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Covid-19 resistance: Is it really protected for up to 3 months? It’s not clear


Last week, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control updated its quarantine guidelines and appeared to suggest that immunity could last for three months.

“People who test positive for COVID-19 do not need to be quarantined or retested for up to 3 months unless they are symptomatic again,” says CDC Guidance.

The agency’s web page was “updated with that information mid-week last week,” a CDC spokeswoman confirmed with CNN on Friday.

Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, who was not involved in teaching the CDN, said:

“We think antibodies correlate with protection, but we don’t really know yet,” Schaffner said. “This is a very general statement by the CDC and, to my knowledge, there are no positive results.”

According to Schaffner, practical applications are far from over. For example, can anyone with an antibody ever date or stop wearing a mask? Absolutely not, he stressed.

Immunity 101

Designed to target certain previously recognized invaders, our adaptive immune system contains two major cellular components, B cells and T cells. Previous research in immunity has focused primarily on B cells, a type of white blood cell programmed to find and bind foreign invaders.

Do some people have protection against coronaviruses?
When B cells attach to a virus such as Covid-19, they “copy themselves to produce antibodies, and ultimately a giant neutralizing agent for that particular invader.” CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta said in an explanation about viral immunity..

“Unfortunately, several recent studies have shown that antibodies to this particular coronavirus can decline fairly quickly, especially in people who have experienced mild cases of Covid-19.” “Gupta said.

Preprinted paper (means not scrutinized by scientists) Not part of the first study released in July) Discovered 20-30 days after Covid-19 symptoms appear to reduce antibody response Will be displayed first.

“This study has important implications for examining the persistence of SARS-CoV-2 reinfection protection and vaccine protection,” the researchers wrote.

In June, Small study People who are infected with coronavirus but have no symptoms have discovered that their immune response to the virus may be weak.
Covid-19 immunity from antibodies may last for only a few months, a UK study suggests

The study found that antibody levels in a group of approximately 30 Covid-19 patients who were asymptomatic were significantly lower than those seen in patients with mild symptoms-none Findings suggest a weak immune response in symptomatic patients

In early July, a Spanish government study found that only 5% of people in Spain have coronavirus antibodies, which weakens their immunity to coronaviruses in the weeks ahead, amid concerns about development. it was done. The results show that 95% of the Spanish population is susceptible to the virus.

This means that the perceived immunity “is incomplete and transient, and may then disappear.” Laboratories are the leading government agencies that lead research.

Expect T cell response

Science hopes that Covid-19 will also trigger an immune response from T cells, another arm of the adaptive immune system. One type, called memory T cells, helps the body remember a particular intruder when it comes back.

Why people without Covid-19 may already have immunity

Recent studies have found such memory T cells in people infected with a new coronavirus that causes a disease called SARS-CoV-2, Covid-19. The finding leads to the speculation that some people may get mild cases of Covid-19 as T cells are responsive to similar coronavirus exposures they have previously encountered.

The virus SARS-CoV-2 belongs to a large family of coronaviruses, six of which were previously known to infect humans. Two are deadly. SARS-CoV-1, the virus that caused the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) that ended in 2004. MERS-CoV, a virus that causes Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).

The other four cause colds and circulate widely every year, so many people may already be exposed to one of the so-called “cousins” of the new coronavirus.

“They have been studied and, after catching a cold, you develop an antibody against that particular human strain of coronavirus and you know that it is protected, but it weakens after about a year,” he said. It turned out to start,” Schaffner said.

Forti warns that attempts to gain immunity from a herd of coronaviruses will lead to large numbers of deaths

“Now, I was wondering how much protection I would get from this virus when Covid-19 came out, and how long would it last if I were protected?” he added. “We don’t know that behavior yet.”

Continue the course

Another page of the CDC site updated in June It refers to the uncertainty surrounding the role of antibodies in future infectious diseases.

“If you have an antibody against the virus that causes COVID-19, you might be able to prevent the virus from getting infected again. If so, how much protection the antibody can provide and how long this protection lasts. I don’t know,” says CDC. Regarding the test.

Until science had a better understanding of the duration of immunity, Schaffner recommended continuing the course of what is known to work, such as hand washing, social distance, crowd avoidance, and mask wear.

“I don’t look for why I don’t wear a mask, I just wear it. Get used to it,” Schaffner said. “We all want to come together and see our solidarity.”

Andrea Kane of CNN contributed to this report.


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