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Coronavirus Vaccine Hesitation: Concerns About Covid-19 jab


“I’m not an anti-vaccine. Both my children had all the vaccines, but today I don’t have the Covid vaccine,” Bailey told CNN.

“I have a fundamental health problem… I want to do a good long-term study of the effects of the vaccine.”

Mr Bailey said he did not trust US President Donald Trump. A vaccination agreement with at least six months of testing with the world’s top scientists is only the “start” to convince her to take it. “It’s too early for me to say 18 months.”

Neil Johnson, a physicist at George Washington University who is researching vaccine skepticism on social media, has made four most common objections to CNN. Whether vaccines are needed; establishment and trust of pharmaceutical companies; recognized scientific uncertainty.

To see how widespread the hesitation is, I suggest asking family and friends if they should get the Covid-19 vaccine if the vaccine becomes available.

“If you ask 10 people, you’ll be surprised if you jump all 10 and say “yes” without warning,” he said.

Questions about the Covid-19 vaccine

Scientists say the vaccine is us Most effective tools Fight and prevent infectious diseases 6 million dead Every year. A lot the study Proved they were safe. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top epidemiologist in the United States, Widespread uptake Vaccination with a coronavirus can end a pandemic, and studies in The Lancet Medical Journal have found that it is the only way to end the blockade completely.
AP and NORC PR Center Online voting Since May, half of Americans have shown hesitation to vaccinate or refuse, King’s College London Similar results were found last week in the UK.
Polling varies. May CNN poll Two-thirds of Americans If a vaccine is cheaply available, you will personally try to get one. Preliminary results of a 19-country survey by the campaign group persuade (Covid-19 New Vaccine Information, Communication, and Education) shows that about 70% of respondents in the UK and US will adopt it.
But the ultimate goal of the vaccine is Herd immunityThat is, a sufficient number of the population will be affected by the immune system and the spread of infection will be rare. Forch said in June that the vaccine was 70% to 75% effective, but if only two-thirds of the population were vaccinated, it would be “Unlikely“Flock immunity will be achieved.
Research published by Hamburg University In June, 71-74% of people in Europe and the United States found that they needed to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity-“especially the current levels of motivation in France, Germany and the Netherlands. , May prove insufficient to reach this threshold.”

Mr Johnson said this was a “major problem”, perhaps even bigger than the polls show.

“Maybe the question should have been, do you get the covid vaccine, do you get it first? And of course I think the answer to that is no, I will wait until everyone else has it.

“There is always suspicion during the anti-Bax[xers], But there is now enough doubt among this undecided population.

“I am very worried. I don’t think there was such a public health problem. [before] …Because of the lack of influence of social media and this kind of online. “

Global spread of hesitation of vaccines

Vaccine skepticism has historically been a problem Europe And in the United States, there are signs that doubts are widespread. In Brazil-Companies from Britain, China and the United States are in court-A small neighborhood of opposition Handrail on social media Against the “Chinese vaccine”. protest The Reuters news agency also reportedly filed a case in South Africa.

Johnson told CNN that false information is spreading in Africa that the program is being used as a cover to disinfect a section of the population. “There is a great deal of fear in developing countries today,” he said.

Lewis Hamilton reveals Instagram post on anti-vaccine after rebound
Public opinion is changing around the world. 2018 Survey by Welcome Global Monitor It turns out that 95% of people in South Asia believe that vaccines are safer and safer than anywhere else. But there are recent controversies. In the Philippines, measles The outbreak last year was Decline Vaccination after suspension in 2017 Dengue fever If the vaccine program turns out to have potentially adverse effects.
According to the April report at Lancet, Japan’s 2013 decision Stopping HPV vaccine recommendations can lead to nearly 11,000 preventable deaths from cervical cancer. of World Health Organization In 2017, “unsubstantiated claims” about vaccines impact coverage in some countries and “may do harm”, he said.
A 2016 study by the London Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Vaccine Trust Project Indonesian I thought the vaccine was dangerous. However, a January area survey showed that 15% of parents were reluctant to receive the Zika vaccine. the study A leader, led by Auliya Suwantika, a professor of pharmacology at Phajajaran University, found that the vaccination coverage in the country has declined in recent years.
The Covid-19 pandemic is Reduction In vaccinations around the world, mainly due to fears of school closures and visits to clinics, the researchers said, “Hesitation in vaccination may pose the next obstacle.”

Oppose dissent

Several polls and surveys, including the United States Reuters / IPOS A May poll found that speed of development was the number one concern for coronavirus vaccines. Most vaccines 10 to 15 years Develop.

Jeremy Ward, who released a study on vaccine hesitation in May in French research consortium Coconell and Lancet, told CNN, “The cause of concern is clear. Focusing on the speed of rushing new vaccines.” There is.”

In 2009, vaccine skepticism surged in France, with only 8% being taken during the swine flu epidemic. Despite the existing knowledge about influenza vaccines, Ward said speed was the biggest concern. May-France is blocked and its outbreak escalates-Coconnell A quarter of the population Will still refuse vaccination.

“I think the main factor is trust in the system,” Ward said. He said the debate about coronaviruses in France was highly political. A Coconel study found that those who voted for the leftmost or rightmost candidates, or who didn’t vote at all, were much more likely to refuse the vaccine.

What we know about Russia's
Russia this week rubber stamped the Sputnik V vaccine, a reference to the 1957 Soviet satellite. Before that, before the start of the Phase 3 trial, where the vaccine was tested in thousands of people. China also skips Phase 3, Experimental vaccine For military use in June.
Ratzan told CNN that the skepticism “was not helped at all.”Warp speed“Declaration by President Trump or the current Sputnik “alien” vaccine”

His research suggests that Russia can have more vaccine refugees than any other country.

This week the US Food and Drug Administration Cut the corner In vaccine development, the French health minister said he would not approve those that did not pass the Phase 3 trial. The British government told CNN that the trials followed a pre-defined path with high standards and that speed depends on additional investment and support.
When Some vaccinesDevelopment speeded up by combining different stages. Some have had parallel safety studies in animals and humans, while others have had simultaneous phase 1/2 studies. That is, it was first tested on hundreds of people rather than a small group.
According to the United States, distrust is often due to misinformation disseminated by anti-boxers and even Russia. State Department And that European Union.. This excludes all types of communities, from wellness to parenting to political groups.
Russia proposes to provide the Covid-19 vaccine to the United States.  US says no

Mr Razan said the problem was not just inaccurate information, but rather a growing lack of trust in the system. “I think we’re starting to see these two factors really undermine public sentiment and the attendant acceptance of vaccines, which is a big concern,” he said.

A previous study from the CUNY School of Public Health Covid-19 found that only 42% of people who might refuse vaccination in New York depend on FDA or Center for Disease Control and Prevention approval. ..

Several studies and reports found hesitation among black and minority communities who were overly affected by the virus.

Ah Investigation Universities in Northeastern, Harvard, Rutgers and Northwestern found that 52% of African American respondents were more likely to seek a vaccine and 67% were white.
“Looking at our community survey in New York City, black Americans are more distrustful, and for good reason,” Lazan said. He is notorious Tuskegee A case in which a black man unknowingly participated in an experiment from 1932 to 40 years and had syphilis or was not well-treated.
He also mentioned concerns about sterilization. Reported that people with Mexican sounding names were more likely to face Forced sterilization In California between 1909 and 1979.

Time to prepare

Dr. Mike Ryan, Executive Director of the WHO Health and Emergency Program, said at a briefing on Thursday: “People need to be allowed to talk about vaccines and have proper conversations. It’s not one-way. It calms people’s throats. This is good discussion, good information, good discussion about this. To have, and people will build their hearts.”

“I think science and government have a job to do that. I think the community and people have a job to hear about the incident. Hopefully the results will be a widely accepted successful vaccine. That will end this pandemic,” Ryan said.

Experts need a strategy that covers when vaccines are produced, who first receives them, how and where they are distributed, the various options available, and how to address concerns. I am.

In June, Forch He said there are extensive plans to reach out to the community, but no details have been announced.

Ward emphasized that this is not only convincing people that the vaccine is safe, but doing everything possible to ensure that it is truly certain. “When you produce a new vaccine at such a rate, it’s not just communication, it’s also transparency and making the right decisions,” he said.

Johns Hopkins University Created a plan to prepare for vaccination. To gain public trust. Ensuring availability. Communicate in private language; establish an independent body to secure public ownership.

Community groups, including the National Black Church Initiative, have worked to ensure that a sufficient number of African Americans participate in vaccine trials. Razan said that the involvement of respected community members is that people say, “They are listening, their concerns are being met, and the vaccines they have obtained are of the highest level of safety and efficacy.” Is essential to feel that they are kept in

The timeline is very important. For new drugs, Ratzan added that 18 months can be spent working with companies, medical groups, doctors, branding, social media, and text campaigns. “There isn’t that right now,” he said.


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