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The Pandemic Problem That Tech Can’t Solve: Physical Touch


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Galesideman can’t remember the last time he embraced his loved one. She only knows it is likely months ago. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, residents of Milwaukee, Wisconsin say that when she sees her 20-year-old niece in the distance, she’s away from most people and relies on “air hugs.” In March, the spokesman and stage manager canceled her personal and professional trip in March, calming at home, going to the gym, grocery store, or spending time outdoors.

“I’m a hugger and a physical person,” she said. “You definitely miss it.”

Sideman is one of the more than 34 million Americans living alone, according to the latest figures provided by the US Census in 2018. Following the implementation of evacuation and social distance mandates from cities across the country, they are experiencing a very different reality from those living alone, with roommates, or with 72% of the other people living with significant others. I will. For those who have been living alone for about 6 months, the experience can be reduced to one word.

“I have to block that in my mind, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to do anything,” Sideman said of her feelings. “But it hits you at strange times-loneliness, isolation.”

Mental health experts say that too much isolation can cause many problems, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic distress order. And mental health concerns are rising as the pandemic prolongs and leaves many people at home. The good news is that there are ways to partially mitigate the negative effects of separation thanks to technology. The bad news may not be enough for some people with these solutions.

David Spiegel, a professor of medicine at Stanford University and director of the School’s Center for Stress and Health, said physical contact is often soothing because it lowers the stress hormone cortisol, which can weaken the immune system. It was. Tactile sensations also increase levels of serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin, a hormone related to well-being. Adults often need a human touch to rest, as children often need to be embraced to soothe. Given the global pandemic, people living alone lose their sense of security when adults can be stressed more than they normally would.

“Let’s be realistic. It’s a real loss. That’s really needed,” Spiegel said. “We are social creatures and our most intimate connection is physical.”

Isolation can be particularly harmful to people with a history of substance abuse, mental illness, or trauma, according to psychiatric experts. For those people, being alone for a long time can magnify or rehash old problems. And the effects may extend well beyond the end of the pandemic.

The impact of a pandemic on mental health is of particular concern to Dr. Elinor McCannskatz, head of the US Department of Health and Human Services’ Directorate of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services. Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that approximately 40% of the 5,470 adults surveyed said they felt adverse psychological effects related to physical distance, including pandemics and anxiety and depression. .. The report also reported that about twice as many people reported suicidal ideation within a month, compared to the number who reported feeling that way for the full year 2018. Awkward, but not surprising. “

“People who experience unforgiving stress are at great risk of mental health problems,” she said. .. “And we know that suicide attempts are on the rise and drug overdose is on the rise.”

However, even relatively healthy people may find themselves suffering from lack of face-to-face social interaction. Karlin Mum has been quarantine alone in Dallas for the past six months. The 32-year-old digital strategist never misses a hug or handshake because she’s not a formidable person. She still feels lost.

“There is some credibility and credibility lost in the digital space,” she said. “Especially for large groups, what technology communication must obey is the implicit clues and lack of rigor.”

Mumm said he was missing eye contact that he could make with someone across the table. This is not possible in virtual space. Only one person can talk in a video chat at a time, eliminating the possibility of active interruptions and side conversations. Technical solutions like Zoom and Google Meet don’t feel the same, she said.

National health authorities continue to advise people in different households to keep distance, but there are a few things people living alone can do to stimulate the happy hormones that result from physical contact. The director of Tiffany Field, a director of the Touch Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine, who is studying the effects of lockdowns, said that if people living alone were engaged in these activities on a regular basis, they would see the adverse effects of isolation. He said it could be offset. During a pandemic.

“It’s essential to irritate our skin,” she said. “You intend to save the natural killer cells that kill bacteria and cancer cells.”

There is a simple solution. Whether you’re doing self-massage, yoga, or even running or walking, you can stimulate your pressure sensor to initiate a series of events that can alter your brain waves, blood pressure, and neurotransmitters.

Aline Zoldbrod, a psychologist and sex therapist in Boston, says there are also tapping techniques, like a butterfly hug. She also suggests using a weighted blanket to exert pressure on the body to reassure touches to think about previous hugs or improve one’s emotional state. “You should touch your body,” she said.

For Gail, it was helpful to speak openly with her friends and colleagues about what she was experiencing. But she says she is eager for a day when she can hug her family and friends again.

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