Breaking News | Research says older donor organs can “rejuvenate”
Despite the lack of organs available to patients on the transplant waiting list, organs from older deceased donors are frequently discarded.
However, new research suggests that organizing older donors can be “rejuvenated” by “rejuvenating” them.
Researchers say that anti-aging drugs can “unlock the clock” of the heart, liver, kidneys, and lungs by removing cells associated with organ rejection in transplant patients.
The team at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston says these drugs may show “untapped potential” and increase the number of organs available for donation as the world’s population ages. ..
As organs age, senescent cells tend to accumulate, releasing cell-free mitochondrial DNA, activating the inflammatory response and linking to organ rejection in transplant patients (file image)
Researchers Test Older Mice with Senile Drugs That Target and Exclude Senescent Cells, Shown to Reduce Mitochondrial DNA Levels
“Old organs are available and could help mitigate the current demand for organ transplants,” said corresponding author Dr Stefan Tarius, head of transplant surgery at Brigham. ..
“If we can use the old organs in a safe way with comparable results, we can make significant progress in helping our patients.”
According to the American Transplant Foundation, there are currently about 114,000 people in the US waiting for a transplant.
On average, 20 die daily, or 7,300 die a year, awaiting transplant. This is because it is often too late to find the right organ.
By making the old orgasn workable, you can close the gap between supply and demand.
There is no clear cutoff age for organ donation. Older people are more likely to provoke a stronger inflammatory immune response than younger people.
This increases the risk of patients with life-threatening side effects, including organ rejection and death.
However, in a new study published in Nature Communications, the team A cenolytic that targets and eliminates old cells.
As an organ ages, a group of cells called senescent cells tend to accumulate. It does not divide like young cells, so the body does not try to destroy them.
In addition, senescent cells release cell-free mitochondrial DNA (mt-DNA). It is recognized by the immune system and activates the inflammatory response.
Past studies have taken this process Organ rejection.
But when you use senescent cell-disrupting drugs, you force the senescent cells back into their normal cycle, causing the body to divide and get rid of it.
Researchers tested this theory with the combination of the senalytic drug dasatinib and quercetin in aged mice.
The results showed that rodent skin and heart mt-DNA levels and pro-inflammatory cell levels were significantly reduced.
Mouse recipients of hearts transplanted from drug-treated old donors had survival rates comparable to those who received hearts from young mice (above)
Next. They compared the effects of actual transplants.
They found that mouse recipients of hearts transplanted from old drug-treated donors had survival rates comparable to those who received hearts from young donor mice.
In addition, 80% of donor hearts survived the 100-day observation period, whereas untreated old donor organs failed after an average of 37 days.
Thalias said more tests are needed to see if the same can be seen in the organs of older donors.
He wants the drug’s organs to become effective with aging lytic drugs after they are harvested from donors.
“We have not yet tested the effect clinically, but for clinical application by perfusing senescent cells into the organ using a perfusion device and measuring if there is an improvement in the level of senescent cells. I am ready to take the next step.”
‘Our data provide the rationale to consider clinical trials of treating donors, organs, and/or recipients with aging lytic drugs to optimize the use of organs from aging donors.
“The goal is to help bridge the gap between organ availability and the needs of many patients currently on the waiting list for transplants.”
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