Vaccination against influenza is important, says data scientists in San Joaquin County
Data scientists working with San Joaquin County Public Health Service Vaccination against influenza is important this year to avoid the medical crisis that COVID-19 still exists, he said.
Chuck Davis, Chief Technology Officer since March BayesianIs contracted free of charge by the county to provide data analysis and modeling to track the spread of coronaviruses.
Davis anticipates a surge in cases in late May/early June across the country, inadequate and limited contact tracing leading to regional closure, and hospitalization will increase in mid-June.
The spike occurred at the same time that several business sectors and people changed behavior during Memorial Day, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day, and lockdowns were mitigated for those who gathered. Davis fears the next disaster if the flu season coincides with COVID-19. COVID-19 is still uncontrolled despite a reduced number of cases and hospitalization. Davis believes in fool’s money.
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“It’s our lagging indicator,” he said. “They are still relatively high, and what is likely to happen is a reduction in cases, but all we have done is to establish a new baseline. That baseline is not a good baseline. No. Next comes the flu season, which is really terrible during the flu season.”
He said that recent history should teach us.
“Consider how Memorial Day was and how fast things spread as people come and go to these gatherings,” Davis said. “By the way, I can see the same thing on Sturgis in a couple of weeks.”
As of Thursday, more than 100 cases of COVID-19 in eight states were reported annually, according to the Associated Press. Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, A 10-day event in South Dakota earlier this month that usually draws close to half a million people.
Like COVID-19, the flu spreads in close proximity. When the temperature drops, the group gathers indoors, and the family gathers indoors on holidays rather than outdoors in the summer.
“We will get more people indoors as needed, which will result in more COVID-19 and flu,” Davis said.
Davis said that people infected with the flu will naturally weaken their immune system and thus become more susceptible to COVID-19. The opposite is true for people who have had a cold and flu after being infected with COVID-19 and recovering.
“And, where the flu may be relatively tame, it could actually do a lot of harm as you were at risk as a result of the fight against COVID-19,” Davis said. Said. “I don’t think many understand that you can get a COVID and you can get a flu. They are two different things.”
In summary, Davis said, “I’m afraid we’ll see the future, but I think my prophecy is approaching a tragic chapter.”
What makes the situation especially frustrating, Davis, is that we know this and have enough time to prepare for it. And I haven’t seen much of what is done to prepare and prepare for this from a public health perspective. I think it will be devastating. “
With COVID-19 and the flu one-two punch, Davis and health officials are urging people to be vaccinated against the flu. Already strained hospitals and clinics fear new piles of respiratory infections, including: influenza And RS virus (RSV), another seasonal pathogen that can cause serious illness in young children and the elderly, according to Science Magazine.
“I’m wearing a COVID-19 mask and some say it should protect me from the flu, so I need more messages and it gets harder,” said Maggie Sanghwakin of San Joaquin County. Dr. Park said the public health officer. “Vaccination requires more people than the normal year. Because of COVID-19, I want to get a higher influenza vaccination rate.”
Dr. Patricia Iris, Adventist Health Rodi Memorial, Said it’s time to handle COVID-19 messaging as the flu season approaches.
“It may start as early as September or October,” she said. “This is to educate, test, understand, quarantine if positive, then wear a mask, wash hands, and increase physical distance for people with COVID-19. It’s time to do that. It’s all important in reducing spreads.”
From October 1, 2019 to April 4, 2020, 39 to 56 million people were affected by the flu, 24,000 to 62,000 died due to the flu, and 410,000 to 740,000 A person was hospitalized for the flu. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.. For some indicators, the 2019-20 flu season was worse than the 2018-19 flu season, according to a May 5 advisory board daily briefing. For example, CDC data showed cumulative influenza hospitalization rates for the 2019-20 season, which was 69 per 100,000 people as of the week to April 25, but per 100,000 people at the same point in the previous season. It was 63.6.
Davis says many people who are usually vaccinated against influenza at work, but who have closed their businesses because they work in remote areas or because a pandemic still needs to be vaccinated. It was Influenza vaccinations and other information are available through healthcare providers, health centers, CVS and Walgreens pharmacies, and San Joaquin County Public Health Services.
Contact reporter Bob Haifil (209) 546-8277 or [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @bobhighfill.
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