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COVID-19 is often not diagnosed in hospital workers. Viruses can impair heart function


(Reuters)-The following is a summary of some of the latest scientific research on the new coronavirus and efforts to find cures and vaccines for the virus-caused disease COVID-19.

COVID-19 is often not diagnosed in front-line hospital workers

According to a Monday report in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention morbidity and mortality weekly report, a high prevalence of COVID-19 infections does not appear to be detected among healthcare professionals in the United States. Between April and June, out of more than 3,000 field workers in 12 states, about 1 in 20 had evidence of antibodies to a previous COVID-19 infection, but 69% were undiagnosed. Approximately one-third of those with antibodies to the new coronavirus did not remember having had symptoms in the previous month, and it was doubtful that almost half were infected, and two-thirds were positive for COVID-19 testing. It never happened. Some infections have few or few symptoms, and symptomatic staff may not always have access to tests, which may result in undetected infections among front-line healthcare providers, the author said. They say. The COVID-19 antibody was less common among workers who reported using face covers for all patient encounters and more common among workers who reported a shortage of personal protective equipment. .. Researchers demand more frequent testing of health care workers and universal use of face covers in hospitals. (Https://

The virus can impair the heartbeat and contraction

Following a recent report that a new coronavirus could penetrate cardiomyocytes, it was discovered that infected cells showed dysfunction. In a test tube experiment, researchers found that “myocytes” or cardiomyocytes were infected with the new coronavirus and gradually lost their “electrophysiological and contractile properties” before the infected cells died. did. This means that it has problems transmitting electrical impulses that regulate the heartbeat, shortening or lengthening the fibers so that the heart can expand and contract to pump blood out. In a paper submitted online to bioRxiv prior to peer review, researchers confirmed that their test-tube experiments were not likely to replicate exactly what happens to cells in the body. Says further investigation is needed. Nonetheless, their results indicate that COVID-19 patients’ heart symptoms are likely to be a direct consequence of the virus, saying, “Patients who recover from this disease may have long-term cardiac complications…” Is warned. (Https://

Common eye symptoms in children with COVID-19

Children with COVID-19 often present with less severe eye symptoms such as itching, discharge and pink eyes, a Chinese study suggests. Of the 216 children hospitalized for COVID-19 in Wuhan, 23% had eye problems of this type, doctors found. Eye problems were more common in children with other symptoms such as coughing and fever. In both cases, eye problems were mild and eventually resolved without treatment or with “minimal” eye drops, the researchers reported at JAMA Ophthalmology. Dr. Douglas Fredrick, head of pediatric ophthalmology at Mount Sinai Health System in New York City, who was not involved in the study, is encouraging that most children first showed other symptoms. If conjunctivitis, or pink eyes, were always among the first symptoms, “I’m worried that pink eyes could spread this from one child to another,” he told Reuters. It was Still, he said the study did not completely eliminate that type of infection. (Https://

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