Five vaccination myths ruined, from claiming the presence of toxic compounds to post-vaccination disease risk
Vaccine competition is intensifying as some COVID-19 vaccines are already in phase 3 and final trials, and some are approaching final phase. Researchers haven’t shared the ETA yet, but concerns about possible rejections from anti-boxers have already been raised in the last few months.
According to a 2019 article published in Lancet, Since the first vaccine was developed, there have been hesitations on vaccines that have either refused or delayed the acceptance of the vaccine.
But with the advent of social media, the message of vaccination is spreading faster than ever. The article suggested that many people find it difficult to accept the vaccine because of concerns about the safety of the vaccine, general distrust, and the many conspiracy theories to make rounds.
Here are five common myths related to vaccines and the truth behind them.
Myth 1: There is no evidence that vaccines are safe.
truth: Most vaccines undergo some level of testing both for their safety and immunogenicity before they are available to the public. Research and results are available in various journals and government websites.
An article published on the Rush University Medical Center website shows that one of the best ways to realize the efficacy and safety of a vaccine is to gradually reduce the number of cases of certain diseases shortly after the vaccine becomes available. Suggests that it is.
Myth 2: Proper hygiene and hygiene can eliminate illness
truth: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), previous incidences have shown that avoiding vaccination, or worse, stopping it, can cause certain illnesses to recur and cause outbreaks .. A recent example is from the UK, and WHO no longer believes that measles infection is due to a decrease in MMR vaccination and an increase in measles cases.
It is also worth noting that hygiene and hygiene are difficult to ensure. Despite extensive information on the importance of hand washing, masks, and hygiene, the number of cases of COVID-19 has increased over the past eight months.
In fact, despite research showing that masks may be effective in reducing the spread of the disease, there was conspiracy regarding preventive measures such as the use of masks.
Myth 3: Not being vaccinated only affects me
truth: From the recent measles outbreak, it is clear that this is not really true. In order to prevent outbreaks, it is necessary to vaccinate a certain number of people in the area and perform so-called herd vaccination. The more people refuse the vaccine, the more likely it is that a new outbreak of the disease will occur.
Myth 4: Many people get vaccinated illnesses.
truth: Vaccines are made from weakened, inactivated, or killed pathogens or parts thereof. When exposed to the vaccine, your body develops immunity to the disease targeted by the vaccine without you developing the disease. This is because the vaccine makes the immune system believe that you are ill.
However, there are pitfalls. Not all vaccines are 100% effective. Thus, if the vaccine is 99% effective, 1% of people will not get the immunity to the vaccine, even if they are vaccinated. Such people are prone to this disease and can become infected.
But this does not mean that the vaccine was not effective. WHO illustrates this in an example of a class of 1,000 students, where all but five are not vaccinated against the disease and the effectiveness of the vaccine exceeds 99%. When a class is exposed to a pathogen, all 5 unvaccinated will get sick, and even less than 1% (say 7) of the remaining 995 will get sick. The total number of cases will be 12 instead of 1000.
Myth 5: Vaccines contain ingredients that are harmful to the body
truth: Experts suggest that any ingredient is harmful when taken in large amounts. Vaccines contain certain components such as formaldehyde and aluminum, but they are in very small amounts and are needed to make the vaccine safer. In fact, we consume much more of these chemicals in our daily lives.
For example, humans consume about 30 to 50 mg of aluminum daily for food and drinking water, while vaccines only consume 0.125 to 0.625 mg or less of aluminum per dose.
Similarly, formaldehyde in vaccines is much lower than that exposed through cosmetics, paints, vehicle emissions, and furniture such as carpets and upholstery.
See the following articles for more information. How to make a vaccine..
The Firstpost Health article is produced by, India’s first and largest resource for validated healthcare information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to provide all health information.
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