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Knowle’s Arden Academy closes after a two-week “circuit break” as the number of Covid-19 cases increases


Solihull school closed due to a two-week “circuit break” An increase in coronavirus.

Knowle’s Arden Academy has decided to close the door for two weeks after a meeting with the British Public Health Service. Solihull Council.

According to staff, this decision was “extremely regrettable” due to the increasing number of cases of Covid-19 within the school and throughout the community.

We hope that the closure will prevent “further transmission of the virus”.

A letter emailed to parents yesterday-Tuesday, September 22 states that the school is scheduled to reopen on Wednesday, October 7.

The move, described as a “circuit break,” added that it did not reflect the steps Station Road School took to address Covid-19.

Knowle's Arden Academy.
Knowle’s Arden Academy.

The letter says: “As you know, there is an increasing number of Covid-19-positive cases in the community and throughout the school.

“This afternoon, I attended a multi-agency meeting with the UK Public Health Service and the Public Health and Education Department of the Solihull Council.

“Unfortunately, the result of this conference was a co-determination to shut down Arden to students for a two-week” circuit break “to prevent further infection of the virus and protect all students. Staff, parents, community members. This decision was made in collaboration with the Public Health Service of England and the Solihull Council. “

The letter added that the decision was “not taken lightly” and was based on many “significant factors.”

In addition, “As a result of rigorous discussions on precautions and safeguards taken to help students return to school safely, all parties have excellent measures taken and implemented. I felt that I was there.

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“There was no criticism of the school system or procedures. In fact, all parties were very complementary to the system.

“The situation in our area we know is challenging. Solihull as an autonomous region is now an area of ​​intervention with a Covid-19 outbreak.

“Unfortunately, this pattern is being rolled out in schools and currently has a significant number of confirmed cases recorded.”

The school also outlined the steps taken following the positive test.

The letter says: If more positive cases occur during this remote learning period, we will continue to do so.

“Initially, we were able to manage the situation by identifying isolated cases and ask our students to self-isolate. As you know, we achieved this through personal separation, eight years ago. And in the case of the 12th year, we decided to separate the group for the entire year-due to concerns about on-site transmission, the situation has changed. The cause of the outbreak cannot be effectively identified.

“The situation is complicated by the additional infections we have experienced. The UK Public Health Service has further transmitted the virus between students and staff, despite our strong protective measures. I was worried about the possibility. “

Of further concern was having a sufficient number of staff for many self-separations.

The letter said: “The main consideration is the secure operation of the school site. A significant number of teachers who need to be self-isolated as a result of close contact with staff and students who have received positive test results. There is.

“As a result, you will not be able to securely staff your school site.”

The school said on October 7th, unless there were no symptoms of Covid-19, self-isolation due to a family member with Covid-19, or waiting for Covid-19 test results. We welcome all students, “he said.

Education and learning will continue online.


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