Covid-19 gives momentum to the annual “Stop tober” smoking cessation campaign
Thursday, October 1st marks the start of Stoptober’s annual campaign and encourages smokers to quit smoking that month, preferably forever.
October is used because studies show that if a smoker quits smoking for 28 days, he is five times more likely to never smoke again.
The campaign is locally led by Daya Dewfall and Emily Lopez in the Health Promotion Department.
Covid-19 means that the public health promotion department cannot interact directly with the general public through stalls, but they ensure the message that support is there.
“We advertise on our website and social media and provide smoking cessation clinic numbers,” said Dewfall.
“If you use a smoking cessation service, the success rate of smoking cessation is high, so it is recommended to make a reservation by phone.”
“Call 52441 to make an appointment and see a nurse practitioner to help you with your trip and discuss how to quit smoking.”
“It could be a patch or a tablet.”
In addition, clinics can perform regular carbon monoxide measurements to show smokers how high carbon monoxide levels are and how they decrease with smoking cessation.
“It was very effective because people can actually see the difference as the level goes down,” Dewfall said.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve used a smoking cessation clinic before and have resumed smoking. The health promotion department feels that “it’s never too late to try again.”
“We always encourage people to try again,” Lopez said.
Both feel that with the support of the clinic, not only will they complete 28 days of quitting smoking, but quitting smoking for the rest of their lives will increase their success rate.
There are no age and gender statistics for smokers in Gibraltar, but most people know who they smoke in all age categories and genders.
In addition, the number of people who quit smoking throughout the lock is not available. However, the clinic states that the number of people contacting them to quit smoking is increasing year by year.
“They have a 66% success rate,” said clinic Ms Dewfall.
“Covid stress says it can work either way. People may think I’m really worried, and the stress will make more smoke, and the other People often think that I may have to quit. ”
The focus is on getting people out of cigarettes for their own health, but the department describes them as “beating the ceiling” when they receive a message about how bad indirect smoking is for others.
“I see a lot of parents walking and smoking with their children next door, and a lot of people walking with their dogs and smoking. It also affects their health.” Lopez said.
“People don’t consider dogs to be part of the recipient of indirect smoking,” said Ms. Dewfall.
In addition, “And there is third-hand smoke that stays in the furniture for a longer period of time. It stays in the carpet and in the upholstery.”
Lopez emphasizes that quitting smoking at the same time as someone else is easier than doing it alone, because you can support each other.
“That’s why if you do that in October, you’ll find that you’re joining thousands of other people who are jumping,” Lopez said.
Ms. Dewfall states that if someone falls off the wagon, they may be overwhelmed by the wagon.
“Oh, I can tell you to start again, but if you have a support system in place, tell your family,” If I fall, encourage me to keep quitting, “Dewfall said. Told.
“And don’t go back to the horse and upset you.”
Covid and smokers
Covid-19 affects the lungs and airways, two parts of the body that are damaged by smoking. Smoking also affects a person’s immune system, making it difficult to fight infections.
Healthcare professionals are concerned that the constant face-to-face behavior of smoking increases the risk of getting the virus.
Not only smokers who can be affected by Covid, but also those affected by indirect smoking are a concern of the promotion team.
“That’s a concern for separation,” Dewfall said.
According to Public Health England, people exposed to indirect smoking, especially children, are also at increased risk of lung and heart damage.
Effect of smoking cessation
On the first day of completion, your pulse rate will return to normal within just 20 minutes. After 8 hours, when carbon monoxide levels plummet, oxygen levels begin to recover.
Two days later, a person’s sense of smell and taste begins to return and the mucus in the lungs begins to disappear.
By the third day, your breathing will improve and your energy levels will rise. Nicotine withdrawal begins.
Within 1-3 months, the lungs begin to heal and their ability can improve by up to 10 percent. It also improves circulation.
After a year, the risk of heart disease is half that of smokers, and over time the risk decreases.
After 10 years, the risk of lung cancer is reduced to half that of current smokers, and after 15 years, the risk of heart attack is the same as those who have never smoked.
In addition to the above, Ms Dewfall points out that it saves not only health but also financially.
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