Diabetes “remote control” works electromagnetically on blood sugar levels
For many people with type 2 diabetes, keeping blood sugar at healthy levels can be a daunting task with regular monitoring and insulin injections, but scientists have a more convenient way to manage their condition. I am pursuing. Among them was a research group at the University of Iowa, who built what is called a “remote control” of diabetes management that uses electromagnetic fields (EMFs) to lower blood sugar levels and improve the body’s response to insulin. ..
It may seem daunting, but the idea of using “remote control” and EMF to manage diabetes is an approach we’ve considered earlier. Back in 2014, scientists looked at studies demonstrating how these waves open ion channels in cell membranes to turn on specific genes. Lowers blood glucose levels in mice..
The new technology by researchers at the University of Iowa uses a completely different mechanism and is actually brought about by good luck. Scientists made interesting observations by borrowing some diabetic mice used by another group of scientists as part of their study of the effects of EMF on the brain.
“Usually these animals suffer from hyperglycemia and type 2 diabetes, but it was really strange because all animals exposed to EMF showed normal blood glucose levels,” said the co-author of the study. One Sunny fan said. “I told Calvin (co-author Calvin Carter),” Something strange is happening here. ” “
To further investigate this issue, the team turned to previous research on the biological effects of EMF from all types of sources, including telecommunications infrastructure, mobile devices, and the planet itself.
“This document points out quantum biological phenomena in which EMF can interact with specific molecules,” Carter said. “There are molecules in our body that are thought to act like small magnetic antennas and enable biological responses to EMF. Some of these molecules are oxidants and cell metabolism. It is being studied in redox biology, a research field that deals with the behavior of electrons and reactive molecules that govern the body. “
The team focused on a molecule called superoxide, which is known to play a role in type 2 diabetes, and studied its activity in a mouse model of type 2 diabetes. The team applied EMF to three different types of mouse models for several hours a day and appeared to alter the signaling of hepatic superoxide molecules. This readjusted the balance of oxidants and antioxidants in the organs, improved the animal’s response to insulin, and lowered blood sugar levels.
“We have created a remote control to manage diabetes,” Carter says. “Exposed to EMF for a relatively short period of time lowers blood sugar levels and normalizes the body’s response to insulin. The effects are long-lasting and the potential of EMF therapy that can be applied during sleep to manage diabetes throughout the day. open.”
The team also turned to human clinical trials and tested human hepatocyte technology. After 6 hours of treatment with EMF, the researchers were able to show a significant improvement in surrogate markers of insulin sensitivity. This is a promising sign that treatment may have the same effect on human subjects.
But in the next step, the team is researching technology in large animals whose size and physiology are close to humans.
“Our dream is to create a new class of non-invasive medicines that remotely control cells to fight disease,” Carter says.
The study was published in the journal Cell metabolism..
Source: University of Iowa
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