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Why men react worse to COVID-19

Why men react worse to COVID-19



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When asking most women how their male relatives, partners, and friends react to their illness, they often keep an eye on “he is such a baby.” “He is very capricious.” Or “He is very exaggerated.” However, this behavior may have a biological explanation.

This phenomenon, called “human flu,” Verified in review Large-scale epidemiological studies previously published, and animal influenza studies. In these studies, men became ill longer, showed more severe symptoms, and were less responsive to vaccination.Clinical examination using animals infected with It also emphasizes that there are gender-based differences It affects the results observed in humans.But these are more What are the specific consequences of a cold or flu?

As Pulmonologists and researchers Examining the gender differences in the respiratory system, I read and was intrigued Recent research About the sex-specific response to COVID-19, which suggests that men are actually more vulnerable and suffer from this disease.

Gender difference of COVID-19

These findings may apply to other respiratory viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 that cause COVID-19.For example, SARS-CoV-2 report Infection rates are similar between men and womenHowever, male gender is an important risk factor for more serious COVID-19 illness and death.In fact, in one study, men 2.4 times more likely to die from COVID-19..I think it’s interesting In men, it also occurred with other coronavirus infections Severe acute respiratory syndrome, Caused by SARS-CoV, and Middle East respiratory syndrome..

COVID-19 mortality risk for men aged 30-49 years, based on data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as of October 5, 2020 Turned out to be more than twice as many as women..

In other age groups, the risk of COVID-19-related deaths in men was also higher than in the same female age cohort. But it wasn’t as high as the 30-49 age group.

This is in contrast to SARS-CoV-2 infection rates of about the same age group, and scientists wonder why men are more susceptible.

Studies identify why men are more susceptible to COVID-19

In a recent report published in Nature, How men and women react differently to COVID-19.

This study examined samples containing nasal swabs, saliva, and blood collected from healthy individuals or COVID-19 patients. These samples were used to better understand what the immune response to infection looks like and how it differs in more severely ill people.

Similar to the CDC data on infection rates, no gender differences were observed in either nasal swabs or saliva in terms of virus concentration or amount of virus present.There was no difference Detected in infected men and women — a signal that the body identified the virus.

Men with SARS-CoV-2 show greater inflammation

However, the authors identified a major gender difference during the initial immune response that occurred immediately after someone was infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Blood samples were analyzed for a variety of cytokines, some of the first signaling molecules that help immune cells react to pathogens. The levels of these signals go up and down to provide an appropriate response to combat invading pathogens. However, the large amount of these molecules can cause serious damage to the body. This is the case for cytokine storms.

Author of Nature We report the observed gender differences in the intensity of cytokine responses. Men have shown higher levels of inflammatory cytokines such as IL-8 and IL-18 than women. High levels of these cytokines lead to more severe illness. In severe cases of COVID-19 Moisture builds up in the lungs, Reduces the oxygen available in the body for normal functioning. This can lead to tissue damage, shock, and potentially multiple organ failure.

SARS-CoV-2 women are ready to eliminate the virus

The authors found that in addition to gender differences in cytokine levels, there were also gender differences in immune cell function.

Compared to men, women had a higher number of T cells that were ready, activated, and prepared to respond to SARS-CoV-2 infection and were essential to eliminate the virus. Men with low levels of these activated T cells were more likely to suffer from severe illness.

Therefore, the human immune response to SARS-CoV-2 has several aspects that differ between men and women. Understanding these differences will help doctors know how to treat patients and help researchers develop gender-specific treatments.

Increased sensitivity to COVID-19 in men is likely to be biological

These results contradict the speculation that male susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection is the cause. More dangerous behavior.. These include disregarding the seriousness of the virus, attending large rallies, ignoring social distance guidelines, and low rates of hand washing and mask wear. Instead, infection rates are actually similar between men and women, but men are at increased risk of serious COVI9-19 disease, suggesting biological differences depending on the infection.

This paper is one of the first to delve into the mechanism of susceptibility. .. Due to the high inherent biological risk of serious illness and death in men, this suggests that men may need to be over-awakened about social distance, hand washing and mask wearing.

Strengthening compliance with infection prevention and protection, especially in men, does more than mitigate risk. , But also fight a serious increase in risk And death due to COVID-19.

The take-out message for this new paper is that researchers need to consider strategies to ensure. Treatments and vaccines are equally effective for both women and men, Especially if one is more susceptible than the other.

COVID-19 Transferrin identified as a potential cause of severity

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Quote: Why men may react worse to COVID-19 (October 13, 2020) Obtained from covid-.html on October 13, 2020

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