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One in four British believes that Covid-19 was developed at a Chinese laboratory

One in four British believes that Covid-19 was developed at a Chinese laboratory


One in eight believes the Covid-19 pandemic is a “plot”, new numbers reveal

  • One in eight British believes Covid is a conspiracy to force people to vaccinate
  • Dr. Thunder van der Linden and his team interviewed more than 2,000 British people
  • People using social media are more likely to believe in the Covid conspiracy theory
  • Almost a quarter of the British believe that Covid-19 originated in a Chinese laboratory

Dr. Thunder van der Linden of the University of Cambridge in the photo has completed a study that one in five British people does not recommend vaccination with the Covid-19 vaccine because they believe in conspiracy theory.

Dr. Thunder van der Linden of the University of Cambridge in the photo has completed a study that one in five British people does not recommend vaccination with the Covid-19 vaccine because they believe in conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy theory about Coronavirus The numbers show that it has convinced quite a few people.

One in eight believes that a pandemic is part of a global effort to force people to vaccinate. One in twelve believes that 5G mobile networks can increase the risk of infecting people with Covid.

Researchers at the University of Cambridge have surveyed people around the world about their attitude toward false information. About one in five of the more than 2,000 British people said they would not receive Covid jabs, and nearly 16% said they would not recommend vaccination to vulnerable friends. This study was published in the Royal Society Open Science Journal.

Dr. Thunder van der Linden, co-author of the study and director of the Cambridge Institute for Social Decision Making, said:

“We find a clear link between believing in the coronavirus conspiracy and hesitation over future vaccines.”

Older people are less likely to believe in the myth of the coronavirus, and those who find their information on social media are more likely to fall in love with them.

The authors of the study point out that many people may end up in a social media “echo chamber” that repeats some of the information. This has not been confirmed in fact, but it seems likely to be true because it is so widely believed.

Researchers surveyed 2,200 people in the UK and 700 people in four other countries in April and May.

Research participants were given six false statements about the coronavirus and were asked to rate from 1 to 7 on how reliable they were.

Those who rated the statements from 5 to 7 rated them as credible or very credible and seemed to believe them as a whole.

In the UK, nearly 23% believed that the coronavirus was designed in a Chinese laboratory rather than naturally spreading to humans.

Researchers found that nearly a quarter of the British surveyed believed that Covid-19 was developed in a Chinese laboratory.

Researchers found that nearly a quarter of the British surveyed believed that Covid-19 was developed in a Chinese laboratory.

According to results published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, nearly 13% in the UK believe the virus is part of the global immunization promotion, and 8% believe that 5G makes people more susceptible to infection. I will.

Almost 11% of the respondents believe that gargling with salt water or lemon juice reduces the risk of infection, and 7% believe that inhaling hot air, such as air from a hair dryer, kills the virus through the mouth or nose. I am.

Those who rated the coronavirus conspiracy theory as more credible were far less likely to be vaccinated.



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