Why you shouldn’t delay or cancel breast cancer screening because of a pandemic
Sam Baker of KERA talked about this and improved the safety standards for receiving mammograms. Dr. Alison Dipasquale Of Texas Breast Specialist.
Interview highlights
The mammogram was actually postponed and canceled from a hospital perspective to protect the patient. However, as I learned more about the virus, I understood how it worked and took the following correct precautions:
- Limit the number of people in the waiting room.
- Schedule the exact time so you don’t have to wait to get the image.
- Sterilize the room between mammograms
- Patients can be placed in a separate storage room on their own and discharged after imaging is complete.
Why the patient is now canceled or delayed:
I think it’s a combination of horror. And again, your heart is somewhere during this pandemic. You may not remember, “Oh, hey, it’s my mammogram time.” This pandemic doesn’t end right away, so we have to take care of ourselves.
Why screening is important:
Not doing that means that they may have something fundamentally missing. If there is cancer or some suspicious mass in the breast that is not detected early and comes in after waiting an additional year or two, they may appear at a later stage. The reason mammograms save lives is because they are detected early. It detects it before you feel it, before you cause skin changes, and before you experience any symptoms.
People who should undergo breast cancer screening:
The majority of people need to get a mammogram.
- Mean risk: Average risk if you have no family history of breast cancer, no personal history of cancer or radiation therapy, or if you had a previous biopsy or abnormal mammogram. Women at average risk should start at age 40 and go every year until they are not in good health enough to get a mammogram.
- Higher risk: Start earlier, depending on the risk factors. Your doctor can help you decide when to start your mammogram.
American Cancer Society: Covid-19 Cancer screening during a pandemic
The interview highlights have been lightly edited for clarity.
Do you have any hints?Email Sam Baker [email protected].. You can follow Sam on Twitter @srbkera..
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