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How Diabetes Affects Your Eyes and What You Can Do to Avoid Their Complications

How Diabetes Affects Your Eyes and What You Can Do to Avoid Their Complications


Baltimore — November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. Here at WMAR, we want to make sure we know everything inside and outside the disease and how it affects different parts of the body.

One of the ways diabetes can affect your body is through your eyes, and check your eyes regularly as there are no signs of real warning before causing eye problems. Is important.

“Diabetes is a disease that affects the very small blood vessels of our body and we like to affect the kidneys and brain, but the eyes definitely have these very small blood vessels. It’s a place, which damages those blood vessels in the following ways: Prevents oxygen from entering the eye, “said Catherine, an ophthalmologist and lead provider of the GBMC Health Partners Eye Center on Joppa Road. Dr. L. Duncan said.

According to Duncan, this can cause eye problems and swelling, which can lead to permanent vision loss if not treated properly.

In the early stages of diabetic retinopathy, there are actually no symptoms, says Dr. Duncan. Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most common forms of diabetic eye disease and occurs when diabetes begins to affect the retina. It grows these abnormal blood vessels, causing them to bleed and cause swelling there.

“You can put a floater in your eyesight and blurred vision, but it’s usually a far more advanced stage and unfortunately difficult to treat at that point,” explained Dr. Duncan. “So it’s really important to come and check once a year and have good eyesight, but if you can catch it early, you can prevent a lot of vision loss.” “

Doctors say this is more than just a regular vision test, you need to dilate your eyes

She says that sometimes simply putting your sugar under better control can reverse the change if they can detect it in those early stages. However, if you have more advanced findings, there are other treatments, such as laser treatment or injection of a drug into the eye.

Diabetes can also do some other things in your eyes, including cataracts that form early in life. Dr. Duncan says their diabetics are more likely to get cataracts sooner and need cataract surgery at an earlier age.

“But fortunately, it’s a very fixable problem,” she said. “And there is some less common form of glaucoma. This is an eye disease that causes eye pressure to become too high, causing peripheral vision loss and slow entry into your eyes. Because it is not controlled by, it can cause its glaucoma-inducing changes. “

Regarding the urgency of checking the eyes after diagnosing diabetes, Dr. Duncan says it depends on blood sugar levels.

“If you are first diagnosed and the blood sugar levels they are measuring are very uncontrollable and you have vision problems, you should see them immediately,” she explained. “If you are diagnosed and your blood sugar is just above normal, the situation is a bit less urgent.

She recommends getting a baseline check within the first few months to make sure it’s okay.

Unfortunately, many patients don’t know how long they have diabetes when they are first diagnosed, and the longer they have had diabetes without treatment, the more likely they are to have eye changes, she says. ..

The best thing you can do to avoid eye complications from diabetes is to control your blood sugar levels.

“If you’re on the verge of diabetes, dieting, exercising, all of this, your doctor tells you to do so. The lower your blood sugar, the less likely you are, so yours Good for the eyes. You will develop these eye problems. “


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