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Is there a link between air pollution and COPD?


Along: Lifestyle desk | New Delhi |

November 18, 2020 2:10:45 pm

COPD, air pollution, the relationship between COPD and air pollution, what is COPD, and the causes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Tips for dealing with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,, indianexpress,Given the current pandemic, it is imperative to take care of the lungs without being exposed to air pollution. (Source: Express photo by Praveen Khanna)

Excessive exposure to air pollution can cause lung conditions such as: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This is because pollutants present in the air tend to penetrate deep into the lungs, irritate the lungs and even damage the airways, explains Dr. Arvind Kate, a pulmonologist at Zen Multispeciality Hospital in Chamber. did.

“Constant exposure to air pollution and breathing problems can exacerbate symptoms. Air pollution It has a negative effect on the lungs and is especially harmful to people who already have COPD, “says Dr. Kate.

Air pollution, the effects of air pollution, air pollution in India, death from air pollution, express news in India. Here’s what you need to know. (Express photo by Partha Paul)

What is COPD? How is it related to air pollution?

COPD can be described as a condition of the lungs that causes narrowing of the airways and can even lead to permanent scarring of the lungs. Constant exposure to air pollution tends to cause lung inflammation and can even suffer from many illnesses at a later stage. COPD can progress faster in people with lung damage.

With traffic Poor air quality It affects the lungs, causes constant coughing and breathing problems, and can worsen health by increasing morbidity. Not only this, air pollution can cause respiratory infections and even more COPD attacks.

Read again | Air pollution may cause your lungs to age faster, studies say

Tips for dealing with COPD

* There is no cure for COPD, but patients with this condition usually go to respiratory rehabilitation, a surveillance program that includes respiratory training, health education, and breathing exercises, Dr. Kate said.

* For the present PandemicIt is imperative to take care of your lungs by avoiding exposure to air pollution, breathing and eating a balanced diet. Similarly, smoking is strictly prohibited. People who already have COPD or who have just developed this condition should quit smoking by choosing smoking cessation therapy.

* Stay stress-free with yoga meditation every day. Doing so will help you maintain your optimal weight.

“It’s imperative to raise awareness about COPD and act accordingly. We try to improve our quality of life by staying healthy and not ignoring lung problems,” said Dr. Kate.

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