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Israeli scientists claim to have partially reversed the cellular senescence process for the first time in history — RT World News


Israeli researchers claim to have partially reversed cell aging using somewhat controversial treatments. It’s just a small study, but it improves our understanding of the human aging process.

Telomere shortening, the cap at the end of each chromosome, is one of the major underlying mechanisms behind aging. Each time cell division occurs, it scrapes off these telomeres, making each new chromosome slightly shorter than the previous one.

This increases the risk of mutations and often leads to age-related diseases such as certain types of cancer.

Israeli scientists, led by Shair Efrati, a doctor at Tel Aviv University School of Medicine and Sagol Neuroscience, have partially reversed this process by using hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to extend the length of these telomeres. I insist that I can.

They placed 26 volunteers over the age of 64 in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, had five 90-minute sessions each week for three months, and took samples regularly throughout the process.

At the end of the study, researchers were delighted to discover that some of the patient’s telomeres had expanded by up to 20 percent.

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The aging process is not a direct result of telomere shrinkage, but maintaining a chromosomal lid does mean better cellular performance into old age. You can get plenty of good sleep, exercise, and a good diet to prevent telomere contractions, but applying hyperbaric oxygen therapy makes your telomeres healthier.

However, researchers admit that their work was based on a small sample size and needed to be duplicated, and that this technique was previously attempted but unsuccessful.

In addition, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) can be a somewhat controversial topic because it is unusual and lacks evidence. Claim Being able to treat conditions ranging from aseptic osteonecrosis, general cerebral ischemia to autism.

Efrati describes the complete knowledge and understanding of telomere shortening as follows: “The” Holy Grail “of the biology of aging. “

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In order to completely “undo” the aging process, it is necessary to restore some of the genetic code lost during cell division. This happens in certain tissues that line the intestines through an enzyme called telomerase. This is another means of extensive research.

However, telomerase reactivation is the technique used by certain cancers to replicate, so scientists should also be careful when exploring that particular path.

Humans are still a bit far from discovering the Fountain of Youth, as the process of aging goes far beyond telomere shortening, but the early signs are that HBOT can improve old-age health.

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