When healthcare professionals opposed COVID, it created a bare gap in their training
COVID-19 has changed 2020 head-on for all healthcare professionals, especially those at the forefront of pandemic response.
Surprisingly, the need to control the spread Coronavirus Consumed healthcare system. The central role of healthcare professionals in our pandemic response has attracted public attention. This experience revealed gaps in curriculum knowledge and highlighted questions about the education and training of front-line healthcare professionals.
The pandemic has highlighted the importance of including infection control, mental health care, aging and long-term care in all education programs for healthcare professionals.
Infection control
In all healthcare areas, the curriculum is expected to include infection control content and principles. However, this content instruction is not designed to address a historic percentage of pandemics. Also, healthcare professionals are not specifically taught to apply infection control in the workplace with a pandemic in mind.
Infection control protocol During this pandemic, all front-line healthcare professionals must wear protective equipment, adhere to strict hand hygiene, and adhere to contact tracing procedures.
In addition to including classicsChain of infection“When teaching healthcare, we need to enable students to apply these concepts in specific clinical settings. For example, Elderly Housing with Care has a different set of infection control challenges than hospitals. Includes potential for COVID-positive quarantine violations and infection control measures. Lack of residents visiting other residents, dedicated quarantine rooms and limited trained staff.
Infection control is beyond the capacity of using protective equipment and quarantine measures. Management skills are required to ensure that everyone follows the recommended infection control practices within the organization.
For example Registered nurses for elderly care Staff must monitor and control compliance with infection control protocols at the facility.These workers include students, cooks and cleaners, so they also need to have what’s essential infection Manage knowledge and training.
Aging and long-term care
Older people are undoubtedly at increased risk of serious illness and death from COVID-19. To protect them, family and friend visits are often reduced, especially in residential geriatric care facilities. Not surprisingly, loneliness and social isolation are increasing among older people.
Psychosocial issues such as these emphasize the importance of focusing on aging, Elderly care In the healthcare curriculum. In australia Evidence before a pandemic Showed a lack of aging-related education Medical professional..This was emphasized by Royal Commission for Elderly Care recommends integrating age-related conditions and elderly care into the medical curriculum As a certification requirement.
In the COVID-19 pandemic situation, it is important that healthcare students are well prepared to provide optimal care to our most vulnerable age groups.
mental health
The· Impact on mental health The proportion of COVID-19 affects all population groups.Further prevention mental health Currently, the problem is the main goal.
However, not all healthcare programs include content that incorporates approaches to psychological distress and potential mental health crises. COVID-19 revealed this gap in the education of healthcare professionals who had to take care of their patients. Mental health needs During a pandemic.
Education and training are essential because of the potential for complex challenges. Non-professional healthcare professional Manage mental health issues. For example, you should consider including it in the health care curriculum of mental health education, which includes lifespan and life transitions. Mental health of mothers with pregnancy and childbirth during a pandemic..
Build a pandemic readiness
The advent of COVID-19 has highlighted the need for a healthcare curriculum that includes preparing for a pandemic.
Of course, preparation includes the following clinical abilities: Health care workers.. However, for a successful pandemic response, Resilience building At times of change in the medical system.Students need to be prepared for changes in medical service provision, such as use of Telemedicine and digital platforms..
You need to maintain access to health care during a pandemic.
Defending human rights
COVID-19 raises ethical and moral issues related to the rights to the health of all individuals. Pandemics have exposed inequality at all levels — for example Distribution of healthcare resources for Senior citizens.. It is important that the healthcare curriculum integrates content on human rights protection during a pandemic.
To understand the Social determinants of health In a pandemic Infection control, Care for vulnerable groups and prevention of mental health problems.
Attention to the most vulnerable groups, those who have died from COVID-19 and their families, and National insurance Is the basis of Health care Students during this time Pandemic Or later.
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Quote: Training obtained on November 25, 2020 from https: // when health workers oppose COVID (November 2020) There was a gap on the 25th). .html
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