A metabolic confusion diet does not promote metabolism, but it also has other benefits.
The “metabolic disruption” diet is one of the latest epidemic diets exploding on social media. Like many trendy diets, it promises that you can lose weight while you are still eating what you want.
Fans diet Claim that you can lose by switching between very low calorie days and high calorie days weight At the same time, it speeds up your metabolism. It may sound promising, but no research supports these claims.
metabolism confusion Diet is similar to Intermittent fastingHowever, there are no extreme energy (calorie) restrictions. For example, a person on a diet may eat only 1,200 calories one day and 2,000 calories the next.No studies have specifically investigated a metabolic confusion diet, but it may be compared to a common form of diet. Intermittent fastingOn a 5: 2 diet, you usually eat for 5 days and then fast for 2 days or eat only about 500 calories.
You can eat as much as you like on “Bait Day” You may not feel hungry I still eat Overall less – And even more There are few feeding days Than before starting an intermittent fast.This is an intermittent fasting Equivalent weight loss As a traditional diet where you limit calories daily.
However, while these diets may succeed in reducing people’s diets, they may think that they can be “cured”, so they are actually bad eating habits and poor dietary quality (at high energy). After a low-calorie day, you may enhance yourself (such as the consumption of highly processed foods and drinks).Indeed, studies have shown that people who follow these diets have A nutritious diet Than those that follow a traditional calorie-controlled diet.
Other studies have shown that people on a 5: 2 diet unknowingly burn more calories before a fasting day. This is also very common on metabolic disruption diets.
Another reason for the popularity of metabolic disruption diets is that diet enthusiasts claim that switching between low-calorie and high-calorie days stimulates metabolism, resulting in more calories.It is also believed that this “confusion” will stop Biological resistance – Increased appetite, etc. – A diet that may prevent weight loss or regain weight loss.
But when we lose weight, our Body needs Less calories to survive..These changes to us Metabolic rate You can also see (the baseline amount of calories our body needs to function every day) Several years after weight loss..This is believed to be the result of Body mechanism Adjusts the metabolic rate downward through a special process (called) Adaptive heat generation). This process aims to prevent wasted energy by conserving energy in adipose tissue and other fuel reserves. Increasing appetite is another way to try to recover the weight lost.
Another important selling point of a metabolic disruption diet is to prevent slow metabolism when you lose weight. However, looking at studies on intermittent fasting, Same reduction As a resting metabolic rate Traditional calorie restriction diet Do.
The· Strange research The suggestion that intermittent fasting increases your metabolic rate can often be explained by including a complete fast.
Fasting causes acute Metabolic starvation responseAbout 24-48 hours after fasting, it guides the body to burn more reserved fuel. All short-term emergency fuel management measures for glucose supply to the brain. However, even in this case, a temporary increase in metabolism may be almost undetectable.Also, some studies have actually shown Significant decrease in metabolic rate Accompanied by intermittent fasting.
The truth is that No matter how you lose weight, The metabolic rate decreases. Even certain types of exercise do not always increase metabolism. In research on endurance training (long-distance running, etc.) Slow metabolic rate To use energy more efficiently during exercise.However, the body burns more calories immediately after exercise Helps muscle recovery, Especially after More intense exercise..Regular weight training is potentially Higher metabolic rate..
Potential benefits
However, if a metabolic confusion diet works like an intermittent fast, it may have benefits other than just weight loss.
Intermittent periods of energy restriction have been shown to improve Glucose (blood sugar) and lipid (fat) metabolism..This means that the body can cope better Carbohydrates and fats from the diet.. This allows the body to endure extravagant foods when we encounter them.
This token allows intermittent fasting-type diets to improve their ability to manage fuel. body-Known as Metabolic flexibility.. Metabolic flexibility means that you are good at burning and storing carbohydrates when you need them. Good management Storage and release of fat from the fat storage. This improves insulin sensitivity and reduces the overall risk of diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. All this has nothing to do with weight or weight loss.
A metabolic disruption diet may be just a fad diet, but given its resemblance to intermittent ones, it may have benefits other than losing weight. fasting.. You can’t “speed up” your metabolism, but a diet that gives us more flexibility in how we eat is more sustainable and easier to follow in the long run.
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Quote: Metabolic disruption diet does not promote metabolism, but other benefits obtained on December 8, 2020 from https: // 2020, December 8th) There may be .html
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