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Coronavirus UK: Fear of Bell’s palsy against Pfizer vaccine rejected

Coronavirus UK: Fear of Bell’s palsy against Pfizer vaccine rejected


UK drug regulators today Pfizer And BioNTech Coronavirus vaccine According to reports, a trial in the United States revealed that four people had Bell’s palsy.

Usually in a temporary state, the nerves are not functioning properly and the muscles on one side of the face hang down.

In a US study, four cases were found in a group of 21,720 people who received the Pfizer vaccine, but none of the 21,728 people who received the placebo vaccine.

However, this incidence is the same as the frequency expected to occur in a random population. In the UK, there are about 20-30 cases per 100,000 people annually.

The US Food and Drug Administration said in its report: “The four cases in the vaccine group do not exceed the expected frequency in the general population.”

This is almost certainly random that everyone who developed this condition happened to belong to a vaccine group, and it is possible that the same number of people got it in a group of that size, regardless of the vaccine. It means high.

And today, the UK counterpart, MHRA, said: ‘The general safety profile of this vaccine is similar to other types of routinely used vaccines.

“Vaccines will not be licensed in the UK unless the expected standards of safety, quality and efficacy are met.”

The Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, which has proven safe in clinical trials, is currently being given to the general public in the United Kingdom, the first country to jab citizens.

Vaccines need to be rigorously evaluated for safety before they are approved for public use, during which time all health problems suffered by people with jabs are recorded (Photo: Volunteer at Oxford University Exam). Vaccine is given)

Vaccines need to be rigorously evaluated for safety before being approved for public use. During this time, all health problems suffered by people with jabs are recorded.

This usually includes dozens or hundreds of illnesses that have nothing to do with the vaccine, or illnesses that can be caused by jabs.

The FDA said in its Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine report: ‘Among the non-serious, unsolicited adverse events, 4 patients with Bell’s palsy in the vaccine group were numerically imbalanced compared to none in the placebo group. The vaccine group does not represent a frequency that exceeds the frequency expected in the general population.

Bell’s palsy can cause the face to hang down in a way that makes it look like someone has had a stroke, but it is generally not serious.

According to the NHS, it usually heals spontaneously within 9 months. No one who developed it in the exam saw it last for more than 3 weeks.

In the UK, it occurs in 20-30 people per 100,000 people annually and in 13,000-20,000 people annually.

This condition is usually sudden and unpreventable and may be associated with herpes virus, other viral infections, diabetes, or stress.

MHRA said today that there is no reason to believe that Bell’s palsy is more likely to occur in people infected with the virus.

A spokeswoman said: ‘The general safety profile of this vaccine is similar to other types of routinely used vaccines.

“Like all drugs, it can cause side effects. Most of these are mild and short-term, and not everyone can get them.

“Vaccines will not be licensed in the UK unless the expected standards of safety, quality and efficacy are met.

“Like other vaccines and drugs, COVID-19 vaccines require continuous safety monitoring, and the benefits of protecting people from COVID-19 outweigh the side effects and potential risks.

‘This is a process known as safety monitoring (pharmacovigilance). This allows you to identify new risks and take steps to support safe and effective use.

“Vaccine manufacturers have a legal obligation to carry out safety surveillance and MHRA has a legal responsibility to continuously evaluate all products in the UK market.

‘MHRA implements a robust and preventative safety monitoring strategy for the COVID-19 vaccine, enabling near real-time safety monitoring at the population level.

Members of the public and healthcare professionals are encouraged to report suspicious side effects through the Yellow Card Scheme, and MHRA is responsible for vaccine usage and anonymous GP-based electronic medical records in other healthcare-linked countries. Data analysis supplements this form of monitoring to actively monitor data, safety.

Bell’s palsy usually resolves spontaneously, but one side of the face can hang down quite surprisingly for several weeks.The exact cause is unknown, but it is common in pregnant women, people with diabetes, and people with upper respiratory tract infections.

Of the four people who developed Bell’s palsy, one saw facial nerve paralysis or weakness within 3 days after vaccination.

However, the participants’ faces returned to normal about three days later.

The second person developed Bell’s palsy 9 days after vaccination, and the other person’s face weakened 37 and 48 days after vaccination, respectively.

What is Bell’s Palsy?

Bell’s palsy is a condition that causes temporary weakness or paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face.

This is a rare condition that is estimated to affect 1 in 5,000 people each year.

It is thought to occur when the nerves that control the muscles of the face are compressed.

The exact cause is unknown, but it is probably due to the inflamed facial nerve caused by a viral infection. It may be due to a variant of the herpesvirus.

Approximately 7 out of 10 people with Bell’s palsy recover completely with or without treatment.

Most people notice an improvement in their symptoms after about a few weeks. However, full recovery can take 3-6 months.

Each of these three recovered from facial paralysis in 10 to 21 days.

Bell’s palsy occurs suddenly and looks amazing like a stroke.

Most patients notice that one side of their face begins to sag and their muscles weaken. In rare cases, both sides of the face may be temporarily paralyzed.

Some people are also more sensitive to sound, usually with ears that correspond to the sides of the hanging face.

Others may lose taste, have headaches, or feel pain around the affected jaw and ears of the head.

Bell’s palsy is also known as acute peripheral facial nerve palsy of unknown cause.

As the name implies, doctors do not know exactly what causes it.

Attacks of all ages can last for weeks, but in most cases they resolve spontaneously in weeks or months, so there is no specific cure.

Each year, about 40,000 people in the United States develop Bell’s palsy.

In other words, 1 in 60-70 people will find that their face is suddenly paralyzed at least once in their lifetime.

There are several patterns for people who are prone to Bell’s palsy. It is common in pregnant women, especially late in pregnancy or shortly after childbirth. People with diabetes are also prone to bells.

Upper respiratory tract infections such as colds and flu are also risk factors.

There are also sporadic reports of people suspecting that some inactivated versions of these viruses used in vaccines to prevent them caused Bell’s palsy.

Some vaccines used a weakened or damaged, but live version of the virus to stimulate the immune response.

Sufficient concern has been expressed that scientists have done a lot of research to determine if these shots can really cause temporary paralysis.

Bell’s research related to hepatitis B, DTAP (diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough), herpes, and some influenza vaccinations all finally concluded that jab was not the root cause of Bell’s palsy. It was.

The only exception was Nasalflu from Berna Biotech, an inhaled influenza vaccine manufactured and sold in Switzerland. Made with inactivated influenza virus and E. coli (a bacterium commonly used in the development of vaccines and medicines).

However, the vaccine used certain E. coli toxins that scientists believe caused inflammation and caused Bell’s palsy in some recipients.

It’s doubtful so far whether Pfizer’s COVID-19 is the cause, as the overall bell is unpredictable and common, but FDA scientists have asked the panel to hold a meeting on Thursday. If set, Pfizer suggested that the data may need to be closely tracked. More vaccinated people develop temporary facial paralysis.

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