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Why the “more contagious” coronavirus isn’t as bad as it sounds

Why the “more contagious” coronavirus isn’t as bad as it sounds


New Delhi: New Delhi Coronavirus The first to be discovered in the United Kingdom is believed to be more contagious than other SARS-CoV-2 mutants, causing global turmoil.
Several countries, including India, have announced varying degrees of suppression to prevent the spread of the mutated coronavirus, even though the world is gradually beginning to oppose the pandemic in early vaccination campaigns.
However, it is quite possible that the new variant of Covid-19 may not be so harmful after all. how?
The new variant, known as B.1.1.7 or VUI-202012 / 01, is certainly not the first mutation in SARS-Cov-2, but it is certainly the first mutation “under investigation”.
Records show that more than 12,000 mutations have been detected in the virus’s first 50,000 genomes, and to date, scientists have recorded more than four times that number.
So far, there is little evidence to suggest that a new strain of the virus results in a more severe form of Covid-19, but there is ample evidence to suggest that it is more contagious or contagious — and There is probably a blessing of camouflage there.
According to Ian Jones, a professor of virology at the University of Reading, UK, “The general rule of virology is that better infections are associated with milder illnesses.”
This is not really a new hypothesis. In fact, it is based on the “law of reduced toxicity” advocated by the 19th century doctor Theobald Smith.
According to Smith, there is a “subtle equilibrium” between the pathogen and the host, which allows the virus to evolve into a less lethal strain.
Virologists say that when a virus mutates and becomes more deadly or deadly, it can eventually kill the host, even before it has the opportunity to infect and spread to others. I have.
Therefore, mutations can be the pathogen’s reaction to becoming more contagious in order to be as contagious as possible.
A good example: The rapidly spreading but highly deadly Ebola virus eventually declined due to the death of the host and reduced chances of spreading.
Jones also cited the case of bird flu. This was shown in laboratory experiments that when the virus became more contagious, it “did not kill the animals used.”
However, Jonathan Ball, a professor of virology at the University of Nottingham, draws attention to this kind of thinking he calls “lazy,” citing examples of both the rabies virus and HIV.
In fact, in the case of HIV, which has killed more than 30 million people worldwide, mutations can also explain why the vaccine proved elusive.
Ball’s claim is endorsed by Ravindra Gupta, a virologist at the University of Cambridge. He points out that it is okay to kill the host if the pathogen has already spread. This is why “HIV kills the host and is still so widespread.”
Experts disagree on whether mutations are likely to be fatal or not, but agree on one thing. Do not give the virus the opportunity to evolve and find a favorable set of mutations.


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