Letter to Editors on Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Lee’s vaccination is “anyone free”
My friend and I were both in their 70s and were waiting to get the COVID-19 vaccine. We’ve been in compliance with all the CDC guidelines for months, but once we got the vaccine, we were looking forward to finally getting back to normal. What a blunder!
On the first day, there are only 300 vaccines available on a first-come, first-served basis. Many people have to spend the night to get the vaccine. Others had to wait hours in the dark and cold just to get a chance to get it! These are elderly people and should not need to be exposed to such incompetence.
I understand that there was a short notice that the vaccine would be available, but that’s no excuse to allow free disasters for everyone! It’s like inviting 300 people to a party, but when they get there, only 30 people can enter. Lie group, you can do better than this.
First, only individuals in Lie County should have been allowed. People traveled from all over the state and took them here.
Second, there should be eligibility criteria: zip code, age, area of ​​residence, etc. Without some foresight, you can’t get that number of people to arrive and expect it to be organized.
There are more than 700,000 people in Lie Group. I don’t know how many citizens Lee is over 65, but I think there are hundreds of thousands. In addition, people from other counties and other parts of the country also allow them to take shots. It’s ridiculous!
We hope that the next vaccine distribution will be done in a more efficient, organized and intelligent way. There is no reason for the incompetence that occurred this week!
Danna Bowden, Fort Myers Area
Was it a plan 10 months later?
Our governor took 10 months to plan the vaccination distribution, and what we saw (Monday) is what we get? Really?
If you’re not too sad, it’ll be interesting.
William Wisman, San Carlos Park
Get the vaccine like a test by appointment
There must be a better way than the storage gathered at the Bonita Springs vaccine site.
If the COVID test can be done by appointment, vaccination can be done that way.
Bert LeMunyon, Bonita Springs
Vaccine “first come, first served”?
In its endless wisdom, Lie County seems to distribute the coronavirus vaccine to people over the age of 65 on a first-come, first-served basis, as long as they are healthy enough to line up for more than 10 hours. You do not have to be a citizen or resident of Lie County.
I just hope Collier County isn’t too reckless. We hope that Collier County will distribute the vaccine share more equitably. By the way, has anyone seen anything about how Collier County intends to distribute the vaccine after the first responder took care of it?
Recently, I have been tracking coronavirus deaths reported in Florida. If you believe in the local press of NBC and CBS, people die with three-digit numbers every day. If you believe in the state government dashboard, people are dead in the single digits. Why are there so many discrepancies in these numbers? Which entities are confusing the numbers, and why?
From what I’ve seen recently, the governor and almost every politician down seems to want to keep the casualties as low as possible in order to justify keeping the economy as open as possible. Do these people really have the health of the state’s inhabitants as their top priority, or do they have their political future as their top priority? how are you?
Rick Haferi, East Naples
Is it better to get vaccinated like a voting email?
The implementation of the vaccination program should have been expected to be confusing, and that is what we received. In fact, Lie county officials have heard lectures on how difficult it is to implement and that they do not yet have a plan. Really? It took months to prepare. Do your job. At the vaccination center, there are no long lines, social distances, screams, or general confusion. I didn’t have to do this.
For example, why not use the mail-in-vote infrastructure? Lie groups can mail vaccination forms to all registered voters or requesters instead of ballots. The form already contains the name, age, address, etc. included in the system. Recipients will check the appropriate boxes for their medical condition, employment (first responder, etc.) and mail the form.
The software allows Lie groups to sort and prioritize parameters and book the most in need first. You can also track who didn’t respond and follow up with reminder notifications. Priority response, do not put people at risk of lack of social distance at the vaccination center. why not?
Don Corn, Sanibel
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