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Council Earns £ 23m to Encourage High-Risk Groups to Jab | Health Policy


The government will fund dozens of UK councils with £ 23 million to help fight false information about coronavirus vaccines and promote jab intake in higher-risk communities. ..

Councils that plan to contact people with ethnic minority backgrounds, the elderly and people with disabilities are likely to address the long-term effects of these groups being unbalanced due to the pandemic. Therefore, it was chosen for financial support.

Many experts and politicians Recently called Because people in high-risk ethnic minority groups are prioritized for vaccination and are subject to promotional campaigns aimed at addressing vaccine skepticism.

After the study shows, there are concerns about vaccination within some groups Up to 72% of blacks They said they were unlikely or very likely to have jabs.

On the other hand, the number of BAME Community leader Take action in the fight against vaccine repellent, Qari Asim, National Advisory Board for Mosques and Imams, And many other Muslim leaders have informed the Guardians that they have launched a campaign to encourage the BAME community to be vaccinated.

Their activities include hundreds of mosques that have recently used Friday’s prayers to spread awareness of the coronavirus and fight vaccination myths.

Local governments and voluntary organizations use outreach techniques such as helplines, school programs, and workplace initiatives to communicate accurate health information using community champion schemes. We also call people in endangered groups and host training sessions to help people provide information and advice to expand our network of local champions.

Community champion schemes are implemented in different parts of England. The support of local leaders and supporters to “transmit the public health message with reliability and influence” Recommendations Published by the Government’s Race Disparity Unit (RDU) Advisory Group in October.

The money will also be used to support outreach campaigns in collaboration with the Gypsy, Roma and Traveler communities, said community secretary Robert Jenrick.

In a statement, Jenrik warned that “misinformation about the Covid-19 vaccine could be life-threatening,” with central government funding to local governments and community groups to people based on existing campaigns. He said he would be able to provide accurate information.

“We want all communities to accept the provision of free vaccines,” said Vaccine Deployment Minister Nadhim Zahawi.He said He works with faith and community leaders to “ensure that people at high risk of harm from this virus know how they can benefit from the vaccine.” I’ve been doing it.

According to National Bureau of Statistics statistics up to late July, the Covid mortality rate for black African men in England and Wales 62 per 100,000Compared to 12 per 100,000 white men. The percentage of men from Bangladesh was 61 per 100,000.

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