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Call His Daddy Host Alex Cooper Married Matt Kaplan

Call His Daddy Host Alex Cooper Married Matt Kaplan


DTLA Screening of Netflix's Love at First Sight

Photo: Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images for Netflix

Call his wife! Alex Cooper, the host and co-creator of Call her daddyhave the Vogue Weddings treatment. Earlier this month, Cooper married producer Matt Kaplan, her co-CEO of Trending Media Company. The couple tied the knot in a small ceremony in Riviera Maya, Mexico.

If you're not a member of Daddy Gang, you may be wondering how someone ends up marrying their co-CEO. Well, that's because their relationship started through business, then turned romantic, and finally came back to business. As Cooper explains to Vogue, the couple first met on a Zoom call in the summer of 2020. She was taking meetings about a possible TV show and he owned a production company. I went on Zoom and immediately started thinking: Wow, this producer is very handsome, but stay focused Alex, she said. There were about five other people from his company on Zoom, but I kept watching Matt's video square.

The series didn't work, but Cooper and Kaplan struck up a relationship. We went to dinner a few times in Los Angeles and sat in parking lots, pandemic-style, and there was no doubt in my mind after the first dinner that he would be the man I I was going to spend the rest of my life, Cooper. said. Fast forward to 2024 and the couple were spending their wedding weekend on a Mexican beach.

The Cooper dress was customized by Danielle Frankel, in wool and silk with a square collar and peplum waist. The dress really turned out to be my dream, she said Vogue. I felt so classic and chic in it. I felt confident and sexy while remaining elegant and timeless.

Throughout the wedding weekend, Cooper also wore Donna Karan, Alexander McQueen and Versace, all vintage. The groom, if you're interested, wore a custom suit from the dressing room. There was no information on where the Goldendoodle ring-bearing couples got their bow ties.

Cooper is best known for her celebrity interviews, but based on the photos, her wedding was for civilians only. “It was really important for us to keep a small guest list so we could be present with each other and the people we love most and who have helped us become who we are today” , she told the magazine. Soft! It would have been funny if Jojo Siwa were there, but I respect their decision.




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