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COVID LiveUpdate: Cases will decrease nationwide, hospitalizations will decrease

COVID LiveUpdate: Cases will decrease nationwide, hospitalizations will decrease
COVID LiveUpdate: Cases will decrease nationwide, hospitalizations will decrease


New York (WABC)-COVID cases are currently declining in all parts of the country. Hospitalization is the lowest since mid-December.

Dr. Shashan Clavi, Assistant Director at Stanford University, said: “I think it’s very easy to see if the next four weeks are a temporary depression after the holidays or if we’re heading in the right direction to improve the country. Emergency Department.

But over the weekend, the United States passed 25 million. Of these cases, 5 million have occurred since January 1. The death toll is currently over 418,000.

President Biden has announced a travel ban that restricts travel from South Africa, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Ireland and 26 other European countries as variants of the virus spread around the world.

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Today’s heading is:

New York vaccination center is in short supply
New York state officials are hoping to get more COVID vaccines later this week.They already have Administer 88% of the dose They received.
Citi Field was scheduled to open as a mass vaccination site this week, but that doesn’t seem to be the case now.

New Jersey opens vaccination hotline
In new jersey Vaccine phone line Wake up at 8am on Monday and 250 agents will answer the phone. The phone number is 855-568-0545.
There were calls lined up last week, but no one answered.
Governor Phil Murphy said the state still needs federal support as the state strives to keep up with the demand for shots.

Dr. Burkes says the White House COVID-19 denial gave Trump a “parallel” data stream

Dr. Deborah Birx says she had to do when she was the coordinator of President Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force Fight COVID-19 Denier at the White House And someone gave the president a “parallel” stream of data that contradicted her.

Burkes said he defended his tenure at CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday and was censored by the Trump administration but denied refraining from information.

Israel is targeting planes and religious ridicule as the virus rampages
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Sunday that Israel will close its international airport on almost all flights. Israeli police clashed with ultra-Orthodox protesters in several major cities, and the government competed to curb the outbreak of the raging coronavirus.

Invasion of highly contagious variants of the virus, coupled with inadequate enforcement of safety rules in the ultra-Orthodox community, contributes to one of the highest infection rates in the world. It also threatened to undermine Israel’s highly successful campaign to vaccinate its population against the virus.

Israel has vaccinated more than a quarter of 9.2 million people in just one month. At the same time, the virus continues to circulate throughout the country, with authorities confirming an average of more than 8,000 new cases daily.

Chicago teachers vote to teach from home against the district
The Chicago Teachers Union resolved on Sunday that its members opposed the order to return to the classroom because of concerns about COVID-19, saying that refusing to return when ordered was an illegal strike. He said he had set up a confrontation with officials.

Chicago Public School, the third-largest district in the country, is preparing to welcome about 70,000 students to part-time in-school classes from February 1st, with about 10,000 kindergarten to eighth graders on Monday. Teachers and other staff wanted to return to school. .. There is no set return date for high school students.

Activists gather to save the Ethiopian coffee shop in the Bronx
The Ethiopian coffee shop in the Bronx is at the heart of calls for help Save SMEs at risk of closure In a pandemic.
The owner of Buunni Coffee states that it must be closed by the end of January as it cannot meet the landlord’s rent requirements.

Activists are calling on state and city lawmakers to pass legislation that has already been proposed to help businesses like Buuni survive.

NYC Restaurant Week is back, but there are changes this year
New York City Restaurant Week Starts Monday -Even without indoor dining-to encourage New Yorkers to support the dining community during times of crisis.

This year’s event, called Restaurant Week To Go, will feature 570 record-breaking restaurants in five wards. All eateries offer lunch or dinner takeaway or delivery meals with one side dish for at least one bargain.

Many restaurants offer takeaway and delivery for the first time in light of the COVID-19 limits.

40% of Americans live in areas where ICU space is scarce
Hundreds of intensive care units in the country are tense under a record number of COVID-19 patients Lack of space and consumables Compete to hire temporary travel nurses at a surge rate. Many of the facilities are located in the south and west.

Top 7 COVID Vaccine Questions Answered
I had a question about the COVID-19 vaccine 7 Your side is getting the answer to you From a doctor at the forefront of a pandemic.

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