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A new AHA scientific statement on the connection between mind, mind and body

A new AHA scientific statement on the connection between mind, mind and body


Healthcare professionals need to consider the psychological health of adults with or at risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), the American Heart Association (AHA) advises in a new scientific statement.

statement, Psychological health, well-being, and the connection between mind, mind, and body, Pointed out that psychological health can have a positive or negative impact on human health and risk factors for heart disease, stroke..

Glen Levin

AHA previously issued a rigorous scientific statement depression “This is the first such scientific statement to address psychological health issues more broadly,” said Glenn, director of the Department of Cardiology at the Michael E. Devaki VA Medical Center in Houston. Dr. N. Levine, wrote, was told | Medscape Cardiology..

“This was especially important now, given the COVID crisis and all the psychological stress people have experienced over the past year,” said Levine, a professor of medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. I am.

“Nevertheless, it’s clear that it’s time for us to realize that we should strive to treat patients and the whole person, not just illness,” he added.

The statement is Published online January 25 circulation..

Mind, body and mind are interconnected

The task of the writing group is to assess, integrate, and summarize the available evidence on the relationship between psychological health and CV health, to screen and ultimately improve the psychological health of patients with CVD or at risk. Was to provide a simple procedure for.

Depression, chronic stress, anxiety, anger, pessimism, and life dissatisfaction are all associated with potentially harmful biological reactions. These include heart rate and rhythmic irregularities. Gastrointestinal upset, increased blood pressure, increased inflammation; decreased blood flow to the heart, the writing group states.

“Currently, large amounts of research data show that psychological health, as well as diabetes, can affect a patient’s heart health. High blood pressure, And hyperlipidemia is possible, and improving the patient’s psychological health is likely to lead to lower future cardiac risk, “Levine said.

The cumulative effects of exposure to daily stressors and traumatic events can also increase the risk of CVD. Patients’ self-reports on general and work-related stress are associated with an increased risk of developing or dying from CVD by up to 40%, the writing group said.

“Most studies on psychological health are observational, and many involve self-reports from patients and present challenges in establishing specific causal relationships,” Levine said in a news release.

“But the predominance of such studies is very suggestive and can make reasonable conclusions about their association with negative psychological health. Cardiovascular risk“He said.

Negative psychological health is also associated with health behaviors that increase the risk of CVD, such as smoking, reduced levels of physical activity, unhealthy diets, overweight, and taking prescribed medications.

The writing group advises on regular mental health screenings for people with or at risk of CVD, and states that psychotherapy and psychosomatic programs can lead to better heart health.

Programs that improve mental health include cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, co-care management approaches, stress relief therapy, and meditation.

About positive notes

Studies have shown that positive psychological health, such as well-being, gratitude, purpose, life satisfaction, and mindfulness, has a low risk of CVD and a high potential for beneficial health behaviors.

These include smoking cessation, increased physical activity, a healthy diet for the heart, increased compliance, regular examinations and medical examinations.

People with good mental health tend to have positive social relationships, support, and connections that can promote healthier adaptation to life’s challenges.

“We want clinicians to understand and recognize that not only the patient’s specific illness, but also the patient’s psychological health needs to be considered,” Levine said. | Medscape Cardiology..

“For example, patients with depression are less likely to take the medications we prescribe, much like assessing and treating more standard cardiac risk factors such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia. The risks and prognosis that need to be addressed by assessing psychological factors that can also affect the patient’s heart. “

The writing group has no relevant disclosures.this s The scientific statement was made by a volunteer writing group on behalf of AHA Council for Clinical Heart Disease; Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing. And the Council on Lifestyle and Metabolic Health.

circulation.. Published online on January 25, 2021. Overview


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