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Return to Vaccine Distrust Experimental Study on Some Dates


In the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, Lucenia Dan was paying attention. She urged people in her area to wear face masks and keep a safe distance from each other.

Dan lives in Tuskegee and was once the mayor of this town in southern Alabama. But now that the COVID-19 vaccine is becoming available, Dan says she has no plans to get an injection right away.

“I’m not vaccinated now,” Dan told The Associated Press. “That doesn’t mean I’m never going to do it, but I know enough to refrain from getting it,” she added, “everything we’re involved with. Until you see. “

The coronavirus vaccine campaign begins slowly in Tuskegee and the surrounding area. Community leaders residents It was caused by distrust of government promises and a long-standing unsuccessful health program.

The town is known as a place for major governments to study sex Send The syphilis illness was carried out in a group of black men. Most of Tuskegee’s 8,500 residents have families who participated in the experiment.Government investigators later declared the experiment Unethical..

The nurse is holding a COVID-19 vaccine cooler at the Macon County Health Department in Tuskegee, Alabama, on Monday, January 25, 2021.

The nurse is holding a COVID-19 vaccine cooler at the Macon County Health Department in Tuskegee, Alabama, on Monday, January 25, 2021.

What is Taskiggy Research?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Study on that website.. The study began in 1932 with 600 black men-399 with syphilis and 201 without syphilis. The man was unaware of the true purpose of the study. Instead, researchers told them they were being treated for “bad blood.”

In fact, according to the CDC, men did not receive the treatment needed to cure their illness. Even when penicillin became the drug of choice for syphilis in 1947, researchers did not offer it to men. The study, which should have lasted only six months, eventually lasted forty years.As a result, many people in Tuskegee remain I doubt it..

“that is Impact About the decision, “said Frank Lee, who grew up in the community. A black man, Lee is the director of emergency services in the area, including Tuskegee. He said the history of the Tuskegee Syphilis experiment still influences people’s thinking today.

But black Lucenia Dan says her distrust is rooted in other reasons.She says the government is using the vaccine that was Quickly.. The government also appears to be unable to carry out good virus testing and provide continuous quality medical care to rural areas, Dan added.

Health experts have repeatedly said that vaccines are safe and highly effective. They state that the vaccine is based on many years of early research, even though it was developed at record speed.

Vaccines used in the United States have so far shown no signs of serious side effects in studies involving tens of thousands of people. Over 26 million injections have been made across the United States and no major health concerns have been reported.

Distrust among the black community is not just a problem for Tuskegee. According to a December 2020 poll, 40% of blacks across the country did not plan to get the coronavirus vaccine.

The Chicago-based black nationalist group Nation of Islam warns members not to receive the vaccine. The group is giving an online presentation called “Beyond Tuskegee: Why Blacks Should Not Be Vaccinated with Experimental COVID-19”.

Fred Gray is now 90 years old and works as a lawyer in Tuskegee. He rejects such a comparison. He said the syphilis study and the COVID-19 vaccine are completely different. He is vaccinated and publicly urges others to do the same.

Georgette Moon was vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine at the County Health Department in Tuskegee, Alabama on Monday, January 25, 2021.  (APPhoto / Jay Reeves)

Georgette Moon was vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine at the County Health Department in Tuskegee, Alabama on Monday, January 25, 2021. (APPhoto / Jay Reeves)

Georgette Moon has a similar plan. She wants to protect herself Tell Vaccine resistant friends. She said she hopes more black residents will be able to overcome their fears and be vaccinated.

“This study is huge factor“Moon said. “I was very … well educated and told me I’m not going to take it now.”

A leader, one of the oldest churches in Tuskegee, advises people in his church to be vaccinated. Rev. John Curry Jr. said he and his wife had been vaccinated without waiting for a long time.

Still, Curry said he understands the power of continuing to distrust Tuskegee.It’s a city forever linked to syphilis research-most Embarrassing An incident in the history of public health in the United States.

“that is scratch In Tuskegee, “he said. “It depends on people’s hearts.”

This is Anna Matteo.

This is Brian Lynn.

An Associated Press reporter wrote this story. Anna Matteo has adapted to VOA Learning English. Brian Lynn was the editor.


The words of this story

Resident –N. I have lived in a place for a while

Send -v. Giving a virus or illness to others

Unethical – Adjustment Morally bad: not ethical

I doubt it – Adjustment Something is wrong, or someone feels or feels doing something wrong : Feel or show suspicion

Impact –N. Powerful or major impact or effect

rush -v. Advance or progress without preparation

Tell -v. Letting someone do something by asking a question, discussing, or giving a reason

factor –N. Something that helps to produce or influence results : One of the causes of something happening

Embarrassing – Adjustment Terrible : Bad enough to embarrass someone

scratch –N. Facts or events that prevent people from respecting someone or something


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