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A second Trump term would be a surveillance nightmare

A second Trump term would be a surveillance nightmare


It's darkly ironic that Donald Trump's upcoming appearance at the Libertarian Party's national convention was announced the same week that his stunning interview with Time magazine was published, in which he outlined all the ways a possible second term would challenge jeopardize our personal freedoms.

Reading the interview, I was struck by the scale of the surveillance state and the widespread intrusion into Americans' personal lives that will be necessary for Trump to accomplish his agenda.

Take the example of immigration. Trump said he would use state law enforcement to support a mass deportation plan that his advisers said would involve rounding up most of the roughly 11 million undocumented people in the United States, deporting them detain them in camps along the southern border and deport them. Aside from the monumental resources authorities would need to search and apprehend so many people, it also makes sense that many of them, once apprehended, would be subject to intense surveillance already deployed against those facing deportation, like ankle monitors and strict measures. curfews.

Trump's promise to crack down on anti-white sentiment would almost certainly also require new levels of oversight. This is literally a thought police, which could encourage Republicans to install cameras in classrooms to catch teachers discussing race or racism with their students. A second Trump administration could expand existing surveillance systems that have already been used against protesters in worrying ways, using tools such as facial recognition technology to identify people in crowds and social media monitoring to probe communications from activists. Think COINTELPRO, but run by Kash Patel or Stephen Miller.

The Time interview also indicates that Trump wants to allow red states to monitor women's pregnancies and prosecute those who violate the abortion ban. Conservative activists behind Project 2025, the plan for far-right governance if Trump is elected, have complained that the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions' oversight of abortion is woefully inadequate. So a Trump administration could strengthen it by federalizing the use of high-tech abortion surveillance tools that I've written about in the past, like geolocation data arrest warrants and search histories on Internet to identify people who search the Internet for terms related to abortion or who enter establishments known to provide abortions.

These are just some of the ways one can imagine a Trump administration scrutinizing the daily lives of Americans. Far from being an image of freedom, these examples taken together seem undeniably authoritarian.




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