Queensland Working Holiday Woman Discovers Cough Is Terminal Lung Cancer
Mia Chen thought her cold wouldn’t go away.
A 30-year-old woman from China worked as a waitress on the idyllic Hamilton Island of Queensland when she coughed last December.
Then her back began to hurt.
Worried that she might not be getting any better, Chen went to see a general practitioner.
“The doctor told me that it was probably just the temperature, not a big deal,” Chen, who has lived in Australia for two years on a working holiday visa, told
“He just asked me to go buy a cough medicine.”
After another week, Chen’s cough and back pain worsened. She visited the same GP again and was given antibiotics.
But antibiotics didn’t help.
By the beginning of the year, a month after she first got sick, Chen’s health went downhill surprisingly quickly.
“I was always in pain. I was so weak that I couldn’t even tolerate it. I had very severe headaches and back pain,” she said.
She went to see another GP in Brisbane where she ordered a chest x-ray.
X-rays reveal the horrifying truth of what was happening in her body.
When the doctor told her the news, Mr Chen said she was shocked.
“I wasn’t a smoker. I didn’t know how to get lung cancer. I was very scared. I thought it was incredible,” she said.
Further scans at Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital revealed even worse news.
Lung cancer was advanced and terminal-already spread to her heart, liver, and bones.
When he heard the news, Chen said he had begun planning to return to China soon.
“I wanted to go home. I was scared and died here and I will never see my family again,” she said.
“I was already trying to buy a plane ticket, but the doctor said you couldn’t get on the plane, you would die on the plane.”
Patients with advanced lung cancer may not be able to fly due to low oxygen levels in the cabin of the plane and at risk of complications from other potential underlying illnesses such as pneumonia.
Chen had to stay in Australia and faced another pressing issue of how to pay for treatment.
As a temporary visa holder, Mr. Chen from a country that does not have a mutual medical agreement with Australia is not eligible for Medicare.
She had travel insurance for most of her stay, but expired in June.
Mr. Chen did not renew until January 1st after the first doctor’s visit. Therefore, her insurance company states that her claim is invalid.
Chen said she received a hospital bill of about $ 45,000 after receiving radiation and other treatments at Princess Alexandra Hospital for three weeks.
However, a worried friend came to her rescue and raised over $ 50,000 for ongoing treatment with her hospital bills and online fundraising activities.
Chen, who dreamed of studying abroad in Australia and becoming a pastry chef, was told by a doctor that he would be able to return to China later this month, and will soon return.
Chen said he was grateful for all the support he received from his Australian friends and medical professionals.
“I am very grateful to my friends and the hospitals and doctors here in Australia. They treated me very well,” she said.
“I’m not lucky, but I feel lucky in a way. At least I’m still alive.”
Contact reporter Emily McPherson at [email protected].
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