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South African healthcare workers eager for the first vaccine

South African healthcare workers eager for the first vaccine


“Too many people, I tested them and within a few days they died,” said Mascorgo. “I want protection.”

CJ Umunnakwe, a virologist who runs a lab that has been tested for more than 40,000 viruses, said: “I truly believe in vaccination. Vaccines save lives.” He plans to talk to people who may be skeptical.

Healthcare professionals at the Ndlovu Care Group in rural northeastern South Africa are eagerly awaiting the first jab of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine to be distributed to healthcare staff starting this week.

Anyway, many South African healthcare professionals who are keen to get the J & J jab coming in the midst of a major shift in the government’s vaccination strategy say.

In South Africa, there are approximately 1.5 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, including more than 47,000 deaths, accounting for 41% of the cases reported in Africa.

A last-minute decision was made after a small test showed that the AstraZeneca vaccine provides minimal protection against mild to moderate cases of the dominant mutant in South Africa. Although preliminary and not peer-reviewed, the results raise serious questions about how effective the AstraZeneca vaccine is, especially in South Africa, despite the vaccine being approved in more than 50 countries around the world. I did.

Health officials have decided to switch to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Tests have shown that this vaccine is safe and effective against mutations here. One-shot vaccines are also easy to implement in many countries.

“I show people that this change is transparent in decision-making, and that it is driven by science,” he said. “It’s proof that we put the people first.”

South Africa has purchased 9 million Johnson & Johnson vaccines and will be vaccinated 80,000 this week to launch the vaccination campaign, the president said. South African regulators have approved J & J shots for testing purposes. Until the vaccine is fully approved, it will be given as part of a “study conducted,” officials say.

At the Ndlovu Care Group in Ellandsdoorn, a small town in Limpopo, 200 km (124 miles) north of Johannesburg, healthcare professionals saw the devastation caused by the virus up close. When COVID-19 was a hit, the center immediately set up a laboratory to perform PCR tests.

The protective equipment that covers the coral welcomes people who come to the COVID-19 test, so her sympathy cannot be hidden.

“I’m so good at this that you don’t feel it either!” She told the visitor.

Masango, 56, said he tested countless people.

“I’m most depressed when I have to tell someone to be positive,” she said. “They are very scared … grandparents die. Earners die. How do children get food?”

The prospect of being vaccinated excites her.

“Yeah!” She says she has her eyes wide open. “I want that vaccine!”

The Ndlovu Care Group has conducted more than 40,000 tests in rural areas, including workers on large mines and commercial farms. More than 20,000 of these tests were done in January alone, when South Africa suffered a dramatic recurrence of the disease caused by a more contagious mutation that is currently predominant.

The Ndlovu laboratory can perform PCR virus tests and get results within hours. The January resurrection averaged about 1,600 tests per day.

“We were busy and very busy,” said Umunnakwe, a 35-year-old virologist who came to the center to study HIV and is now also studying the coronavirus. He is enthusiastically watching South Africa’s genomic sequencing to identify new variants.

“Sequencing allows us to not only see what is present in the virus, but also detect what will happen in the future,” said Umunnakwe, who said that Ndlovu has a rare device for sequencing in rural areas. He added that he wanted to get it. Health center.

Most South Africans are looking forward to being vaccinated. According to a survey by the University of Johannesburg and the Council for Human Sciences, an impressive 67% of adults say they are undoubtedly or probably vaccinated.

Dr. Rebone Maboa, a J & J vaccine researcher at the Ndlovu Center, was thrilled to hear that it would be used in South Africa.

“I’m really ecstatic!” Maboa said. “Looking at our variants, I think it’s actually a better vaccine for us here in South Africa.”

According to a 42-year-old doctor, 602 people in the community participated in the test, half of whom were vaccinated with the J & J vaccine in November. She also said that the recent recovery from COVID-19 has led to strong support for vaccination.

“Lack of knowledge makes people much more anxious. Vaccination is a role model and will be a vaccine ambassador to encourage others,” said Maboa.


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