Researchers Discover Eye Abnormalities in People With COVID-19
![Researchers Discover Eye Abnormalities in People With COVID-19 Researchers Discover Eye Abnormalities in People With COVID-19](
- A new study found that people with severe COVID-19 may be at risk for certain eye abnormalities.
- COVID-19 is associated with cases of conjunctivitis, but this is the first time researchers have noticed a nodule behind the patient’s eyes.
- Experts say that viral infections can affect blood vessels and cause nodules.
A new study, published today in a medical journal, shows that patients with severe COVID-19 may be at risk for certain eye abnormalities. Radiology..
The study, initiated by the French Neuroradiation Society, used MRI scans to find significant abnormalities in the eyes of some people with severe COVID-19.
We enrolled 129 patients, all of whom underwent brain MRI. Of the 129 patients, 9 (7 percent) had abnormal eye MRI findings. Eight of these patients spent time in the ICU for COVID-19. The scan revealed one or more nodules behind the eyes.
COVID-19 is associated with cases of conjunctivitis, but this is the first time researchers have noticed a major anomaly. In this case, the nodule behind the patient’s eyes.
Researchers’ theory suggests that nodules may be associated with virus-induced inflammation and inadequate drainage of veins around the eyes because the patient remains in the prone position for a significant amount of time. That is.
Seven of the nine patients with nodules spent in the ICU in the prone position or were intubated.
Of the nine patients, many also had underlying illness. Two had diabetes, six were obese, and two had high blood pressure.
Staying in these conditions and the ICU can all have a negative impact on eye health.
For those who are hospitalized with COVID-19, simply being in bed is a risk. Prolonged stay in the supine position can affect the drainage of these blood vessels.
Dr. Claudia FE KirschThe director of neuroradiology at Northwell Health in New York said the infection could also cause reactions that could begin to damage the eye.
“When the virus enters the bloodstream, it can clog blood vessels, cause an inflammatory response, and affect the orbit,” Kirsch explained.
Like other newly discovered potential side effects of COVID-19, long-term risk is still being evaluated. With such a small sample group being studied, more tests are needed to determine long-term risk.
There may be many other patients with severe COVID-19 who have these nodules. While in the ICU, the focus was on checking vitals, so these patients did not undergo these other accurate tests.
“When these patients come, they are very ill. The goal is to keep them alive. At ICU, we focus on being able to breathe,” Kirsch said, these nodules. Explained why he wasn’t caught before.
She also said that nodules could have formed in other parts of the body, but doctors were unaware of screening them.
One reason to watch out for eye nodules is that they can lead to blindness if left untreated.
“The first goal is for the patient to breathe on their own and reduce the viral load,” Kirsch said. “Prevention is ideal so that the patient never gets sick. Hand washing and all the basics are important, but we are still learning what happens to the eyes.”
This study suggests that eye screening should be considered in all patients with severe COVID-19. Screening can include MRI and a fundus examination that uses a magnifying glass and light to check the back of the eye.
Doctors are still discovering and learning about this potential side effect. The virus primarily attacks the lungs, but was previously associated with eye abnormalities such as conjunctivitis.
Still, eye abnormalities remain largely unstudied for COVID-19.
“From an eye perspective, there were few complications of COVID-19,” he said. Dr. Mark Frommer, An ophthalmologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York.
“I had some conjunctivitis associated with COVID-19, but they generally healed spontaneously without intervention. It’s very easy to check the back of the eye without MRI,” he said. It was. “It makes sense for this study to suggest that it is an ophthalmic examination that allows the pupils to dilate and the macula to be checked with a magnifying glass.”
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