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Health leaders say the COVID-19 safety protocol has a limited number of influenza cases – Santa Cruz Sentinel

Health leaders say the COVID-19 safety protocol has a limited number of influenza cases – Santa Cruz Sentinel
Health leaders say the COVID-19 safety protocol has a limited number of influenza cases – Santa Cruz Sentinel


Santa Cruz — Dr. David Gilarducci, Deputy Health Officer in Santa Cruz County, told Sentinel on Monday that he had only heard case reports of “very few” cases of influenza in hospitals in the area. ..

But Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Shows that social distance, masking, and other COVID-19 precautions taken in the last few months have also delayed the spread of influenza.

According to the CDC, only 1.1% of patient visits to healthcare providers this week were due to flu-like illness. The current cumulative hospitalization rate is 0.6 per 100,000.

“We believe that (these efforts) had a major impact on the flu season, including the importance of leaving work and school, especially in the case of illness,” Gilarducci said. “Schools have traditionally been the source of the great spread of the previous flu season.”

According to doctors, influenza appears to be less contagious than COVID-19, and precautions against COVID-19 are far more effective against influenza.

The CDC warns that influenza activity is “abnormally low” at this time, but it could surge in the coming months. According to experts, flu vaccination is the best way to protect against the virus and its potentially harmful side effects.

Girarducci said the game of limiting the circulation of the flu would change when residents returned to what they thought was “normal.”

“It has a big impact … staying home if simple masking, sick and universal sick leave policies can have a game-changing impact on the upcoming flu season,” he said.

The number of cases decreased

Virus cases in Santa Cruz County continue to decline, probably due to the COVID-19 safety protocol. Only 3.6% of county-wide coronavirus cases are active. No new deaths have been reported over the weekend.

Hospitalizations are also declining, with 24 COVID-19 patients in Santa Cruz County hospitals. Just a month ago, that number almost tripled, as indicated by state indicators. Only 3 COVID-19 patients are in the local ICU. Three ICU beds are available. That is, most of the total of 22 beds between Dominica Hospital and Watsonville Community Hospital are used by patients other than COVID. As of last week, county staff were ascertaining why the ICU was still busy. A spokesman in Santa Cruz County said people were seeking treatment rather than waiting, and there was suspicion that previously postponed surgery had resumed.

Hope is also raised by vaccination. As of Monday, a total of 67,893 shots were managed. According to the California Public Health Service.. CDPH does not analyze the number of people who have been completely vaccinated and the number of people waiting for a second shot. At present, more than half of people over the age of 65 in Santa Cruz County are vaccinated at least once.

However, the county has a way to go to keep its business and activities back on track. As of Monday, it was in the purple or “widespread” layer of blueprints for a safer economy, with an adjusted case rate of 12.2 new cases per day per 100,000 inhabitants. To move to the red or “substantial” layer, which allows some insignificant indoor businesses to open, the county needs to record 4-7 days of new cases for two consecutive weeks. Another decisive tier factor, the county’s test positive rate of 3.5%, qualifies the county to move to the orange or “moderate” tier in the absence of adjusted cases. Percentage.

With numbers

Total number: 14,495

Active case: 527

Recovery rate: 13,796

Death: 172

Current ICU hospitalization: 3

Current hospitalization: 24

Open ICU bed: 3

Negative test: 114,844

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