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What is it like to get cancer treatment during a pandemic?

What is it like to get cancer treatment during a pandemic?


After entering the world BlockadeDuring the pandemic, there were many conversations about what it would be like to have a baby when friends and family could not participate in the joy of bringing new life to the world.But what about men and women Fight cancerWho has to be treated alone and is surrounded by strange masked faces?

Some are dealing with the results of Delay going to the doctor Fear of being infected with COVID-19 in the first place.There is also uncertainty about whether their life-saving surgery or treatment will be done Postponed or canceledIn the meantime, their condition may worsen. And when the world is devastated by the coronavirus, there is justification for their suffering. Make their condition worse Whether it is caused directly by the virus or because care is prioritized over healthier people.

Cancer and other life-threatening conditions have been lowered to some extent by this global emergency as the coronavirus continues to place an unprecedented burden on healthcare services around the world. Here, 10 brave individuals undergoing cancer treatment share their story.

Darrell Amrani-Roshie, 22, UK

“I was diagnosed with a rare end-stage neuroendocrine cell and had a survival of 12 months. The most difficult thing to get treatment during a pandemic is having to walk this journey alone. You may need a gentle face to say it’s okay, but unfortunately we can’t get that support at the hospital at this time.

“I’m an open and honest person, so I don’t think the pandemic has changed the way we talk about cancer, but I think people have listened and paid more attention to others like me. The message I have is to stay Strong and hopeful.. There are days when I feel I can’t continue, but I can. And if someone needs a friendly face, just a chat, please contact me. “

Crystavaris, 38, canada

“When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, all surgery was postponed because of a follow-up test to investigate COVID-19 and the possibility of metastases. [the spread of cancer cells to new areas of the body] It was not available. Treatment options vary widely depending on the type and spread of the cancer, but I didn’t have the option to be 100% sure of what I had. I had to make a blind decision based on speculation, and I never know if I made the wrong decision.

“Through the treatment, I was afraid to be in public. Some of my most important meetings were by phone or zoom. The first time I met the surgeon in person was on the operating table. It was when she crumpled her eyes on the mask and smiled. It was difficult for me as well. chemical treatment The regimen was consistent with things opening up a bit. As others were able to enjoy more freedom, we had to further limit the bubble. But now, everyone is feeling tired of COVID-19. When someone I know complains that the restrictions are stupid, I personally try not to accept them, but that’s difficult. Restrictions protect me and my family. “

Cod Maxwell, 42, usa

“Initially, [breast cancer] The diagnosis was still at the forefront of everything, and the pandemic unknown made my fear much stronger. It was another layer of concern that had to be resolved. I was worried that my three children would bring in “extra bacteria”.

“But the mix of pandemics with my entire cancer adventure adds another dimension to my gratitude. It’s my kids, my husband, my friends, and my daily life. You may be afraid and suspicious that your life may not go as planned, but I also know that you can’t control everything. This simple fact is the most important thing I do every day. It helps you to focus on what you are doing. “

Mary Evans, 28, UK

“mine Breast cancer Stage 1 and grade 3. There was no escape, and I didn’t catch up with my friends at lunch or take it home with my family. So I think I had to face it more. COVID-19 is certainly passionate about not being afraid of other young women going to general practitioners. I was scared because of the coronavirus, but if I didn’t go when I went, I might not have been here today. “

Kelly Hatton, 46, New Zealand

“When we were blocked, I was in chemotherapy for ovarian cancer for three rounds. You are already ImmunodeficiencyComes with COVID-19, which can kill you in the fight for your life, and while you are in the current state. It was painful and horrifying. You are one of the “vulnerable” people mentioned in the news. Suddenly my life was considered less valuable than a healthy person of my age. If I died of a complication of COVID d-19, people would say, “Well, she had cancer anyway.”

“I’m pretty public about my diagnosis and posted it regularly on social media during treatment. I’m in a state of distrust and fear that everyone around you and around the world is in constant distrust and fear. Sometimes I felt almost guilty — no one needed worse news to fill their news feed, but I talked about it and the result was an unexpected amount of support and encouragement. “

Dr. Karen Walsh, 37, Ireland

“I was diagnosed with Triple negative breast cancer The CT scan was delayed because of COVID-19, but unfortunately it was said that it had spread to the lungs when it happened.

“COVID-19 has made me very scared about the future of cancer treatment. New cancer treatment trials appear to be suspended. Charity is suffering There was a lack of funding from the various events that should have happened in 2020. On the other hand, I am amazed at the speed at which the vaccine was tried and approved. It gives me hope of what I can do for future cancer research. “

Taraines, 36, UK

“I was fortunate that the treatment continued without change during the pandemic. The first blockade was during my chemotherapy. I was isolated and all the time due to immunodeficiency. It was being careful. Then, after everyone else had to stay home, it actually helped me reduce isolation and reduce FOMO.

“I also felt more understood. I think there are other benefits as well. I didn’t have to meet in person when I had no eyelashes or when my hair was in a really nasty regrowth stage. I’m positive I’m optimistic that things will get better, focusing on other aspects. I’m happy to be here. “

Andrea Zanini-Hooey, 42, canada

“”Homeschooling my kid It’s a challenge while receiving chemotherapy. I’m always tired and sick. I’m not the fun mom I want to be. But I feel very lucky. There is a roof overhead and there is food in the fridge, thanks to friends, colleagues and great people in the area.Great friends started GoFundMe, This was very helpful for medical expenses. My husband was able to continue working throughout the pandemic, and we have achieved our goals. I know that many people aren’t so lucky. “

Ali Underhill, 42, UK

“My biggest concern was catching COVID-19 during immunodeficiency, and it happened. Breathing and touching what I might be infecting others. Every time it was very difficult to mentally switch from a shield to a sudden sensation. Suddenly I became a threat. While my body was repelling it, I went to the hospital for about a week After that, it took me two months to finally get a negative virus test. During this time, my chemotherapy was still in progress.

“Because of the pandemic, it’s easy to hide and potentially get more Isolation or withdrawal, This is unhealthy. I will contact you on a regular basis. Everyone is suffering and sad. Some people think I’m getting worse, but in fact making a treatment plan that you follow each week has provided stability and friendliness during these times. “

Nicky Turner, 53, UK

“The hardest part is uncertainty and isolation. That said, it takes a lot of time to slow me down. Very selfishly, I thank the blockade — it gives me I was forced to take the time to not feel guilty. Attempting to navigate breast cancer with the onset of COVID-19 is like being trapped in a ditch with bullets pouring into you from both sides. But in the immortal words of Gloria Gainer, I will survive. “

Read again:

I’m 7 months pregnant and in the middle of a COVID-19 pandemic

How 4 Breast Cancer Survivors Accepted Mastectomy Scars

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