Hospital expands COVID-19 unit as the number of cases increases
On Saturday, 35 COVID-positive cases were recorded at a regional hospital in Thunder Bay, and 10 at the ICU.
Thunder Bay – Increased hospitalizations have forced Thunder Bay regional hospitals to expand COVID-19 units. It currently occupies the entire wing of 3A surgical inpatients.
Hospital reported 35 COVID-As of Saturday, there were 10 positive patients in the intensive care unit, both of which are record numbers.
Not only will hospitals expand due to the increase in infected patients COVIDWith its ICU capacity as well as -19 units, it is currently offering intensive care elsewhere in the hospital.
We continued to free up capacity overall, but the occupancy dropped to about 75%.I had that measure Reached 90 percent At the beginning of the week.
Thunder Bay District Health Units Most COVID-Recent state data shows 19 cases per person in any Ontario health unit.
The incidence was 160 per 100,000 in the last five days from February 17 to 23, almost double the incidence of 88.4, the second highest in the Peel region.
With a Saturday evening release, the hospital urged local residents to follow public health guidelines to reduce the burden on the facility.
However, it also reassured the public that visiting hospitals for emergency treatment remained safe.
“During the first wave of the pandemic, some community members avoided the hospital from fear,” the release said. “As a result, medical conditions have often deteriorated. People in need of emergency treatment can safely access our clinic.”
Dr. Chief of Staff Zaki Ahmed to provide care at COVID-19 units, reliability expected to be ready for hospitals in a rapidly evolving situation.
“If we need to triple our ability to provide critical care, our plans do just that. During this pandemic, we are ready to meet the growing needs of the community. “He said.
Tuesday, when there was 22 COVID-Positive patients were hospitalized, 6 in the ICU, COVID-19 Incident Manager Dr. Stewart Kennedy said the hospital is in a “very vulnerable” situation due to the large number of infected patients.
“They are getting sick,” he said. “We are in a more serious situation than ever before. Don’t panic. We are here to meet our needs, but this is becoming an urgent and serious issue that requires public cooperation. is.”
In addition to its expansion COVID-19 units and ICU capacity, the hospital also said it will focus on more day surgery and short stay procedures.
“This allows healthcare providers and support staff to work in the areas of greatest need,” he said.
As of Tuesday, there were no surgery cancellations yet, but Kennedy said all emergency and cancer treatment surgeries were set to move forward.
However, he warned that selective surgery could be delayed.
“Every time we add more COVID-19 It robs us of our surgical ability. “
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