Does CDC have a zombie plan?Agency advises on “preparing zombies”
If Michelle de Nostradamus is right in his prophecy, zombies may be able to catch us in 2021. In 2021, a 16th-century French astrologer said, “A few young people: half-dead to get started,” many are trying to understand as a prophecy of the zombie apocalypse.
It is not clear how to prepare for such an event. How do you prepare for one? Does the CDC have a zombie plan?
If you’re lucky, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has an entire page dedicated to zombie preparation. Keep reading to learn more about it.
Does the CDC have a zombie plan?
It’s pretty wild that the same federal agency responsible for COVID-19 messaging communications has an entire section of the site dedicated to zombie preparation, but that’s true!
And including The Walking Dead in the extensive list of catastrophes could hit some readers, as in 2021, but the zombie preparation page actually does. Website for the last 10 years.
The Zombie Preparation Campaign initiative began in 2011 and has been overwhelmingly successful in teaching a diverse audience about preparing for danger through the undead lens.
Write CDC“The first preparatory message to start as a joke campaign to attract new audiences proved to be a very effective platform.”
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In fact, the CDC’s Preparation 101: Zombie Apocalypse page provides some pretty helpful advice on what we need to do “before a zombie, hurricane, or pandemic actually occurs.”
The agency recommends that you have an emergency kit at home with essentials such as water and food. It is also advisable to keep equipment such as medicines, tools, hygiene and hygiene essentials, clothing and bedding, important documents and first aid supplies. “
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But they are pretty humorous about all the advice. The CDC writes in parentheses next to it recommends packing emergency supplies: ). “
Then, after packing the emergency kit, the federal agency advises you to “sit with your family and make an emergency plan.”
“This includes where to go and who to call when zombies start to appear outside the door,” they explain. “We can implement this plan in the event of a flood, earthquake, or other emergency.”
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What does the CDC do if there is a real zombie apocalypse?
As the CDC sees, we all want to be safer than regret. The organization recommends caution by introducing “Preparation 101: Zombie Apocalypse”. “You may laugh now, but when [a zombie apocalypse] It happens that you will be happy to read this, and hey, maybe you will learn one or two things about how to prepare Real emergency.. “
And if the zombies somehow start roaming the streets, the CDC could be America’s most prepared federal agency. “The CDC will investigate like any other disease outbreak,” they promise. “The CDC provides technical assistance to cities, states, or international partners dealing with the zombie epidemic.”
Huh! One less thing to worry about!
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