New research may be key to making a safe and durable COVID-19 vaccine

Representative microscopic images of SARS-CoV-2 infected cells stained with antibody in convalescent plasma.Credit: Dr. Michael Joyce, University of Alberta
Using convalescent plasma, researchers at Griffith University have identified how it is possible to create a future vaccine that provides protection against all major strains of COVID-19.
Vaccines work by inducing antibody It blocks the interaction between the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 peplomer and its receptor, angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which is present in the human lung. ..
To understand how antibodies block infection, researchers at the Griffith University Glucose Research Institute have collaborated with Gold Coast University Hospital, the University of Queensland, the University of Alberta in Canada, and Olympus Pharmaceuticals in Chengdu Along with RBD recognized by the antibody.
“We used plasma and synthetic peptides from convalescent patients (people who recovered from COVID-19) to identify these minimal protein sequences,” said lead author Professor Michael GoodAO.
“We identified three small defined regions of RBD recognized by antibodies from individuals in the immune recovery phase and generated antibodies against each of these regions by vaccination of mice.
“We tested these sera individually or in combination for their ability to block the interaction of RBD with ACE2 and observed that the combination of sera in pairs resulted in a very significant inhibition of RBD binding to ACE2. did.”
Co-lead author Dr. Manisha Pandey said their data showed that the antibody had to block multiple interaction regions between RBD and ACE2 to be effective. ..
“Very interesting, one of the pairs of epitopes did not contain mutant amino acids known to be present in variants in the United Kingdom, South Africa, or Brazil.
“This is a specific small area of the virus vaccine To induce antibodies that can prevent infection by all major viral strains. “
Professor Goode said the success of the vaccine needs to elicit a sustained response that protects for at least a year so that the COVID-19 vaccine can be administered in a manner similar to the influenza vaccine.
“Vaccines also need to have a good safety profile, which is especially relevant for vaccines against diseases with very low case fatality rates in adolescents. Of the virus needed to induce protective antibodies. Vaccines consisting only of essential areas have such a safety profile.
“This study provides hope and new insights on how to make vaccines that provide protection against all major strains of the virus that are currently causing pandemics.”
Professor Mark von It’sstein, AO, director of the Glycomix Institute, was pleased with the results of these studies.
“Researchers at our institute are responding quickly to tackling COVID-19 using a multifaceted approach, and these latest results for the development of the next-generation COVID-19 vaccine It is very exciting. We hope that these vaccine candidates will provide a new solution for this high vaccine candidate. Affected diseases. ”
Manisha Pandey et al. Antibodies to the neutralizing epitope synergistically block the interaction of the SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain with ACE2. Clinical and translational immunology (2021). DOI: 10.1002 / cti2.1260
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Griffith University
Quote: A new study is a safe and durable COVID-19 vaccine obtained from on March 8, 2021. It could be the key to making (March 8, 2021). html
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