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Health officials say pandemic precautions may have reduced the risk of influenza.Local news

Health officials say pandemic precautions may have reduced the risk of influenza.Local news


If there was one thing the pandemic did, it was to encourage people to disinfect frequently. And by wearing a face mask, health officials say they were able to reduce the number of flu cases this season.

Marion Willimon, interim CEO of Muenster Memorial Hospital, said there was only speculation as to why this year’s flu season was so low.

“CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] This year, along with all COVIDs, he said he received more flu vaccines compared to last year.[-19] As a precautionary measure, influenza activity has slowed, “said Willimon.

According to the Texas Department of Health, the flu season usually begins on October 1st and lasts until May. Influenza activity usually peaks in January or February, but peaks from October to March, according to MMH officials.

As of February 26, 7 cases of influenza were reported in the clinic and 2 cases in the emergency department at the Münster Memorial Hospital. Officials said both ER patients were adults.

From October 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021, the North Texas Medical Center reported a total of 604 cases of influenza, according to NTMC spokeswoman Christie Riggsby.

“All flu tests, whether from the clinic or hospital, are done through NTMC’s in-house lab,” says Rigsby.

Influenza activity is low across states, according to the latest Texas Influenza Surveillance Report, produced on Friday, March 5. The report reflects the week of February 21-27.

The report states that the flu test reported by the hospital’s laboratory dropped positive samples. In addition, the number of visits by influenza-like patients has decreased. There have been no child deaths associated with influenza, and no outbreaks or school closures have been reported in influenza-related facilities.

Hospital laboratories throughout Texas voluntarily report influenza tests to the National Respiratory and Intestinal Virus Surveillance System. Providers throughout Texas are also submitting samples for influenza testing to Texas public health laboratories, including Austin’s DSHS State Institute, officials said.

According to state influenza reports, 17 hospital laboratories reported the data. It also shows that in response to COVID-19, influenza testing at the Texas Public Health Institute was “significantly reduced to enhance the capacity of the SARS-CoV-2 testing.”

COVID-19, which stands for Coronavirus Disease 2019, is caused by a coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2.

Of the 17 hospital labs, 1,697 samples were tested during the week of February 21-27, and only two returned positive for influenza B.

The CDC recommends that if you have not been vaccinated against the flu, you should be vaccinated now.

According to hospital representatives, the flu shot is 801 N. Grand Ave. Cooke County Medical Center and 509N. Maple St. It will continue to be available at Muenster Memorial Hospital Family Health Clinic.

Signs and symptoms of the flu usually occur suddenly, health officials say. People with the flu often experience some or all of the following symptoms: fever or fever / chills, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion or stuffy nose, muscle or body pain, headache, malaise , And some people may experience vomiting, according to the CDC, diarrhea. Officials said it was important to note that not everyone with the flu has a fever.


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