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Ohio Coronavirus Saturday Update: DeWine Visits Vaccination Site with 1,558 New Cases Reported

Ohio Coronavirus Saturday Update: DeWine Visits Vaccination Site with 1,558 New Cases Reported


Columbus (WCMH) —The Ohio Department of Health announced the latest COVID-19 cases in the state on Saturday.

On Saturday, March 13, a total of 988,298 (+1,558) cases were reported since the pandemic began, leading to 51,516 (+78) hospitalizations and 7,266 (+5) ICU admissions.

The Ministry of Health updates the total number of deaths, usually twice a week, after the death certificate has been processed. The last update was on Friday, killing a total of 17,871 people since the pandemic began.

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine visited a vaccination site on Saturday, including Union County Fairgrounds and the University of Findlay in Marysville.

On Friday, a total of 986,740 (+1,806) cases were reported since the pandemic began, leading to 51,438 (+115) hospitalizations and 7,261 (+6) ICU admissions. A total of 2,241,145 people (19.17% of the state’s population) have started the vaccination process in the state.

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Governor Dewin said he would lift all state health orders related to pandemics once the states reached a rate of 50 per 100,000 inhabitants in two weeks. He said the state is now 155.0, down from the December peak of 845.5.

As the number of cases declines, DeWine said: County fair You can continue this year. As long as health orders are in place, social distance and wearing a mask will be required. He also said that in high school spring sports, student athletes do not need to be quarantined if they are accidentally exposed to positive cases in the classroom.

Dewin said the visit policy was State nursing home Follow new federal guidelines that have Relaxed rules for visits..

To Updated map In the Public Health Advisory System, Franklin County and surrounding counties remained Level 3, or red. A total of 21 counties were level 2, or orange, and one county, Maegus, was level 1, or yellow. The rest of the counties were level 3.

The vaccine is currently available to people over the age of 50, people of certain occupations, and people with certain medical conditions.

  • ALS person
  • Bone marrow transplant recipient
  • People with type 1 diabetes
  • People with type 2 diabetes
  • Pregnant woman
  • People with end-stage renal disease
  • Those who are engaged in childcare services
  • What is employed in the funeral industry
  • Law enforcement and correctional officer

Weekly COVID-19 cases in Ohio schools almost double after a declining trend

State Portal Vaccination schedule Released on Monday. Users can search for vaccine locations by city, county, or zip code and find links to book.

Lieutenant John Hasted was vaccinated during Dewin’s briefing. At the age of 53, Hasted was qualified on Thursday. He was vaccinated at a clinic in one of his former schools in Montpellier, in the northwestern corner of the state.

Comparing vaccination with the COVID-19 test, Hasted said, “arm needles are much more comfortable than nasal swabs.”

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