“This is our job”: Ontario family doctors participate in COVID-19 vaccine campaign
Toronto — Ontario COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Vaccination efforts went one step further on Saturday as many family doctors in a small number of public health departments began administering shots to specific members of the general public.
Immunization enhancement began a few days after the state approved the start for residents of six public health units between the ages of 60 and 64. In Toronto, Peel Region, Hamilton, Guelph, Peterborough, Simco-Muskoka.
When he prepared to give their shots to 40 patients, at least one doctor said the accelerated mass inoculation effort left him “blind” with excitement.
“This is what we do as a family doctor,” said Dr. Sohal Goyal, the attending physician of the Family Health Group in Mississauga, Ontario.
“I’m excited to finally contribute, and hopefully this will mean that all family doctors will be given the opportunity across the state.”
Doctors are currently set to receive a limited supply of about 29,500 vaccine doses, but officials say that numbers could increase as more vaccine shipments arrive in Canada. I am.
The Ontario Medical Association says doctors will contact patients who are eligible to receive the vaccine and is asking residents not to overwhelm the clinic by phone.
Still, according to Goyal, his practice is not to eliminate unilateral callers, but to put them on the waiting list instead.
Goyal, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Mississauga Halton Primary Care Network, said: “I just want to protect the community.”
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Goyal said he didn’t hesitate much after reassuring patients that the AstraZeneca vaccine was safe and effective, despite reports that some people in the European Union experienced blood clots after firing. It was.
“The question is, do you want to get it now or wait?” Goyal said vaccination specialists will accept the vaccine available as soon as possible to reduce the burden on the healthcare system from COVID-19. He said he was urging Canadians to do so.
“When you talk to patients that way, most patients understand it and are ready.”
Goyal says his doctor is well-equipped to support the COVID-19 vaccination campaign and provides the majority of flu shots each season.
He said some primary care providers may face the challenge of integrating their COVID-19 vaccination obligations into already busy practice.
He said public health protocols have made the delivery of care more complex and staff need to learn to navigate the new vaccine documentation system.
Last week, Goyal said he spent hours every night preparing to deliver the first batch of shots. But for him, the extra effort was more than worth it.
“Each of these needles can save lives,” said Goyal, who lost his father in January due to complications of COVID-19.
“What we do on a daily basis can be rewarding, and this is what you contribute directly to the healthcare system and these individual patients. And such things are There is none.”
Brampton Amazon facilities need to be closed and workers need to self-isolate during outbreaks: Peel Public Health
Another pilot project to provide AstraZeneca vaccine to residents of the same age group at pharmacies in three public health units in Toronto, Windsor and Kingston began on Friday.
Ontario reported 1,468 new COVID-19 cases on Saturday, with an additional 11 deaths associated with the virus.
Health Minister Christine Elliott said the latest infections included 381 in Toronto, 226 in Peel and 168 in the York region.
The state reports that 676 people are being treated for COVID-19 in hospitals, including 282 patients in the intensive care unit.
As of Friday evening, Ontario had received 1,116,496 COVID-19 vaccines, Elliott said.
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