UK Covid-19 strain can account for 25% to 30% of US cases
Washington — The rapidly prevalent Covid-19 strain, first identified in the United Kingdom as B.1.1.7, can now account for 25% to 30% of US cases, US disease The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated in the prepared testimony. Wednesday House Subcommittee.
The United States has identified about 4,500 cases of B.1.1.7 so far. Stock, Rochelle Warrensky,
CDC DirectorSaid in her remarks to the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s subcommittee on surveillance and investigation.
But because the authorities test only about 4% of about 400,000 each week COVID-19 case study In this country, “current trajectories suggest that the B.1.1.7 variant can account for 25% to 30% of US viruses,” said Dr. Walensky.
Other variants of Covid-19, first discovered in South Africa and Brazil, have been identified in the United States, but in total only about 100 cases, Dr. Walensky said.
In the prepared remarks, Dr. Warrensky, in collaboration with the CDC and Emory University,
modern Co., Ltd.
As the South African strain is known, the vaccine can neutralize UK mutants, but produces antibodies that “neutralize to B.1.351 mutants are reduced.”
It is not yet known what the actual efficacy of the current vaccine against South African mutations will be, she said.
“I’m not sure how long the vaccine will provide protection or that the vaccine will prevent the infection,” said Peter Marks, the highest-ranking Vaccine official at the Food and Drug Administration, in a prepared statement. Stated. [Covid-19] From person to person. “
Authorities monitor the safety of US vaccinated people by analyzing data from millions of people in large medical data systems and looking for possible safety signals, among other steps. I explained how to do it.
Dr. Marks’ prepared testimony did not directly address the blood clots of a small number of European recipients.
PLC vaccine is available in some European countries Suspend the use of that vaccine.. The company said there was no evidence linking the case to the vaccine. The company has not yet applied for FDA approval, but will soon.
Dr. Marks also did not address the question of how well US-approved vaccines work to prevent cases of new Covid-19 mutants.
Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health, the third witness scheduled for a House subcommittee hearing, said in a planned testimony, “So far, the scientific evidence has been US-approved Covid. He said the “-19 vaccine” suggests that it remains effective against these variants. He said his agency continued to study this question.
Write to Thomas M. Burton [email protected]
Copyright © 2020 DowJones & Company, Inc. all rights reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
It was published in the print version on March 17, 2021 as “UK Strain Is Now Widespreadin US”.
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