Dallas County reports 19 coronavirus deaths and 228 cases, reducing threat levels to “moderate risk”
Updated at 8:18 pm: Dallas County has been revised to include lowering threat levels.
Parkland Memorial Hospital closed the COVID-19 intensive care unit on Tuesday as coronavirus hospitalization in Dallas County was at its lowest level since last spring, and the county lowered its threat level for the first time in more than five months. ..
Approximately 20 COVID-19 patients were still being treated in the hospital, but the unit dedicated to the disease was closed. It was an iconic milestone In the battle with COVID-19, a little over a year after the pandemic reached North Texas.
On Tuesday, Dallas County reported an additional 19 COVID-19 deaths and 228 new cases of coronavirus.
Recent casualties were mainly in their 60s and above. Twelve were male and seven were female, and all but one had potential high-risk health conditions.
Seven of the victims lived in Dallas, three in Mesquite, two in Garland and Seagoville, and one in Addison, Desoto, Grande Prairie, Irving, and Lancaster.
Judge Clay Jenkins County said in a written statement Applies to all Texas people over 16 years old To get vaccinated next week, you need to register for vaccination in as many places as you want to go.
“This year was a tough year, but we are winning,” Jenkins said. “Focus on everything you have to thank. Together we will defeat COVID-19.”
Jenkins said the county’s public health commission had dropped Tuesday night Coronavirus threat level From red to orange, which has been going on since mid-October.
In the orange zone, the risk of coronavirus infection is considered moderate. High-risk groups or people over the age of 65 are still encouraged to avoid face-to-face activities and should take precautions such as wearing masks and social distance in public.
Many activities, such as attending entertainment events and watching movies, are still deprecated and should only be considered when physical distance is possible, according to county guidelines. Shopping trips should still be restricted, and bringing home meals is preferable to eating at restaurants.
Of the new cases, 151 were confirmed and 77 were confirmed. The numbers add up to 288,928 for county-wide cases, including confirmed 251,039 and potentially 37,889. The death toll is 3,413.
Authorities said two of the new cases were the first Dallas County cases of the more infectious variant coronavirus B.1.429 strain that emerged in California. There are 14 B.1.1.7 (UK) variants and 1 B.1.526 (New York) variant.
Health authorities use hospitalizations, intensive care unit admissions, and emergency room visits as key indicators for tracking the real-time effects of COVID-19 within the county. During the 24 hours ending Monday, 193 COVID-19 patients were receiving emergency treatment at a hospital in the county. During the same period, 287 ER visits were due to symptoms of the disease.
According to the state, 527,164 people in Dallas County have been vaccinated at least once, and 269,105 (13.4% of the county’s population aged 16 and over) have been fully vaccinated.
![Dallas County staff, with the help of FEMA and Army healthcare professionals, made an appointment at the Dallas Fair Park on Friday, March 5, 2021 to pfizer, modana, Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine to patients. Administer. (LolaGomez / The Dallas Morning News)](
An additional 4,595 cases were reported on Tuesday across the state. This includes 4,269 new cases and 326 old cases recently reported in the lab.
The state also reported 80 COVID-19 deaths, increasing the number of casualties to 46,558.
Of the new cases, 3,205 were confirmed, with a possible 1,064 cases. Of the old cases, 226 were identified and 100 were possible.
The total number of proceedings in the state is currently 2,752,288, of which 2,371,653 have been confirmed and an estimated 380,635.
There are 3,498 COVID-19 patients in Texas hospitals, including 714 in the Dallas / Fort Worth area. On Monday, 4.6% of patients in the hospital area covering the Dallas / Fort Worth area were COVID-19 patients — below the 15% threshold that the state used to define high hospitalizations.
The state-wide average positive rate for 7 days of molecular testing, based on the date of sample collection, was 5.9% as of Monday. In the antigen test, the positive rate for the same period was 3.2%. Molecular tests are considered to be more accurate and are also called PCR tests. Antigen testing is also called rapid testing. Governor Greg Abbott said positive rates above 10% were the cause of concern.
According to the state, 6,407,978 people in Texas have been vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine at least once, and 3,215,549 (14.3% of the state’s population over the age of 16) have been fully vaccinated.
Tarrant County
Tarrant County reported four deaths and 268 cases on Tuesday.
Recent victims were three men in Fort Worth in their 40s, 70s and 80s, and a white settled man in their 70s. Three out of four had an underlying high-risk health condition.
Of the new cases, 186 were confirmed and 82 were confirmed. This figure brings the total number of proceedings in the county to 249,418, of which 210,883 are confirmed and 38,535 are possible. The death toll is 3,226.
According to the county, 218 people have been hospitalized for the virus.
According to the state, 395,739 people in Tarrant County have been vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine at least once, and 197,660 (12.4% of the county’s population aged 16 and over) have been fully vaccinated.
The Texas Department of Health did not provide an explanation as to why the number of fully vaccinated residents was about 16,000 less than reported on Monday. Similar, but much smaller discrepancies last week According to DSHS, it was because the provider mistyped the data.
Collin County
The state added two deaths and 183 cases to a total of Collin County on Tuesday.
No details were available regarding the latest victims.
Of the new cases, 40 were confirmed and 143 were estimated. This figure brings the total number of proceedings in the county to 85,885, of which 71,565 are confirmed and 14,320 are possible. The death toll is 784.
According to the county, 148 people have been hospitalized for the virus.
According to the state, 251,017 people in Collin County have been vaccinated at least once, and 129,357 people, 16.0% of the county’s population over the age of 16, have been fully vaccinated.
Denton County
Denton County reported 129 cases on Tuesday. No additional deaths have been reported.
Newly reported incidents brought a total of 71,200 county incidents, of which 52,914 were confirmed, with a potential of 18,286. The death toll is 453.
According to the county, 51 people have been hospitalized for the virus.
According to the state, 176,322 people in Denton County have been vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine at least once, and 101,418 (14.4% of the county’s population aged 16 and over) have been fully vaccinated.
Other counties
The Texas Department of Health has taken over reports from these other North Texas counties. In some counties, new data may not be reported daily.
The latest numbers are:
- Rockwall County: 10,969 cases (8,977 confirmed cases, estimated 1,992 cases), 145 deaths.
- Kaufman County: 15,363 cases (12,962 confirmed cases, estimated 2,401 cases), 233 deaths.
- Ellis County: 21,691 cases (18,337 confirmed cases, estimated 3,354 cases), 300 dead.
- Johnson County: 19,123 cases (16,390 confirmed cases, estimated 2,733 cases), 353 deaths.
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