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COVID vaccine or mammogram?Get both


Colorado Springs — A new story about mammograms, following the last story Ether Amutan shared with her experience of a regularly scheduled mammogram returning to “abnormality” weeks after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. We are investigating the guidelines further. COVID19 vaccine.

As the vaccine continues to be deployed, it can be difficult to make an appointment. If one is open and the risk of breast cancer is high, Dr. Jason Allen, Director of Breast Imaging UC HealthThe southern part of the country states: “If you are at high risk or have any symptoms, vaccinate and do not delay mammogram vaccination. Skin lumps or changes, nipple discharge, or any other breast that is relevant to you. Things will certainly come so that we can check it. If you have been vaccinated recently, it may or may not be related to the vaccine, but early detection of cancer I’m sure you don’t want to miss the opportunity to save your life. Every woman who comes to our center for a screening mammogram or diagnostic imaging has the COVID-19 vaccine status, if and when , I’m asking about which arm was vaccinated. “

Dr. Allen should always tell the provider if he is not asked about the status of the COVID vaccine when going to the mammogram.

“If you have a low risk of breast cancer, vaccinate if you have the opportunity and then change your mammogram schedule. But don’t miss it. Low risk, no problem, before the mammogram expires. If you are vaccinated against, we recommend that you wait up to 12 or 6-8 weeks after completing the vaccination. It is the time it takes for the lymph nodes to return to normal. “

Since Ethel was waiting for follow-up ultrasound after the second dose, she felt it was a small bump on the road and it was important for her to get the COVID vaccine.

“I treat the lymph nodes as another problem. Again, the reason why the lymph nodes are swollen until I go back to the second ultrasound and the radiologist reveals everything to me ( I don’t know. I think personal vaccination is just another step to protect yourself. For example, when I go to a grocery store, I’m not so worried anymore. At the end of the second week after the second inoculation, depending on the type of vaccine received, up to 95% full protection. “

Ethel also wants to benefit from sharing her experience with others. “My advice to others is directed to men as well as women. If you find a suspicious lump, talk to your doctor and recommend when to schedule your mammogram, regardless. It is important to ask for. “

And Dr. Allen says this lymph node problem with the COVID vaccine is another reminder of the importance of women, especially breast self-examinations and staying on the annual mammogram.

“If you feel something in your chest, and if you feel something new under your arms, that’s what we need to check. This is the breast itself, the new breast or under your arms. It may be related to lumps, especially if you haven’t been vaccinated with the latest vaccines that are of concern, you should investigate as soon as possible. “

UCHealth has an online Q & A form and lots of great information about breast cancer screening and COVID-19 vaccination. You can find it: Breast cancer screening or COVID-19 vaccine?Do both [] ((( []).

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