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Read these tips before vaccination with Covid-19

Read these tips before vaccination with Covid-19


If you are not eligible for vaccination COVID-19, If you live in the United States, you will soon.

All 50 states plan to release vaccine eligibility For everyone over the age of 16, some states have already done so, such as Alaska, Mississippi, and Georgia. According to President Joe Biden 90% of all adult Americans are eligible Vaccination until April 19th.

While Vaccine supply is increasing Over time, demand still exceeds what is available in many places, especially in densely populated areas. People in big cities liken the attempt to get a vaccination appointment to an attempt to get tickets for a concert of a really popular band online. (Do you remember those days?)

Here are some tips for getting a complete vaccination. And here are some tips on how to get back to normal life, perhaps more than a year ago.

How to get the vaccine

In most cases, a reservation is required. A good starting point for making a reservation is the state or county health department. This CNN article There are links to all state health department websites, along with a phone number and email address to contact if you have any questions.

Another good place to start is the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Covid-19 Vaccine Finder, Or using it Portals that link to state or territory health departments..

Vaccinated pharmacies also have their own schedule websites.TheĀ· CVS siteFor example, you can see where the vaccine is available. Therefore, if it is not available in your city in our county when you are trying to book, it may be in a neighboring area.

You asked, we are answering: your top question about Covid-19 and vaccines

Availability changes quickly, so if you find an empty slot, book it before anyone else. However, if you cannot keep your reservation, please be sure to cancel it. Then someone else will be able to get the slot.

Pharmacies are also providing vaccines that remain at the end of the day to adults who want them because people did not show up because of their promises.Pharmacist Walmart The Atlanta area recently said that all employees were vaccinated, mainly thanks to the rest of the dose, and is now offering them to others who are there at the right time at the end of the day. .. A Kroger Pharmacies in the area said they have a list of people who want to call when vaccines remain.

Social media may help. Facebook, which owns Instagram and WhatsApp, Recently released some tools To help people get vaccinated Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Center..

And of course, you can also crowdsource information using social media sites. Find a private group in your area dedicated to vaccine search and vaccination on Facebook.Some people have their neighbors Next Door App Helped them find a vaccination schedule.

You may have to travel to get a shot

If you can travel, slots are almost always available in rural areas that are hard to find in the city. In Georgia, for example, it can be difficult to make a reservation in the Atlanta area, The schedule is abundant Next few days in the southern countryside of the state.

Whitehouse Covid-19 Response Coordinator Jeff Zientz said when he announced a federal program to ship vaccines directly to pharmacies in addition to U.S. states and territories, pharmacies were “accessible to most communities and most of the United States. A person lives within 5 miles of a pharmacy. “

However, in some rural areas there may not be a pharmacy nearby and residents may need to look for a mobile vaccination clinic in that area.Recently passed American rescue plan Includes a national vaccination program to fund mobile units in hard-to-reach areas.

The important thing is to be patient, flexible and determined. Sooner or later you will get a promise.

What to do while waiting in line to get vaccinated

So now you have a promise. You are very close to getting your final dose at the beginning or better.

But what if you get there and you have a really long line?To Don’t get bored and crazyBe sure to carry your cell phone, tablet, or laptop with you.

Other ideas include documenting the vaccine experience and planning how to use freedom after complete inoculation.

When was the last time you were in a crowd of this size? Maybe you can take advantage of the opportunity to make new friends.

You will find a long list of other ideas On the article..

Welcome to the full vaccination club

Vaccinated?? Congrats! Embrace your grandchildren. Embrace the vaccinated friend. Invite a fully vaccinated friend to visit without a mask. Visit with others at their home unless they are considered particularly vulnerable if they become infected with Covid-19.

If you have been infected with Covid-19, you can skip quarantine once you have been completely vaccinated.

If you have Covid-19 and are one of the many who are still suffering from symptoms, some so-called long-haul carriers, Symptomatology alleviated or disappeared After they have been vaccinated.

As some have said, getting vaccinated is a psychological game changer: you may feel that your weight has been lifted.

And who is anxious to travel again? Several destinations are open For those who have been vaccinated.

Keep in mind that it takes two weeks from the last shot to full vaccination.

And don’t throw away the mask yet. You need to protect the people around you who have not yet been vaccinated. Some studies have shown that vaccinated people do not spread the virus, but it is still uncertain.

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