According to experts, the vaccine dramatically reduces the risk of COVID-19, but infection is still possible.
Yes, the COVID-19 vaccine works.
Two weeks later, one vaccination is 80% effective in preventing infection and the second vaccination is 90% effective. According to a new CDC study..
“Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people do not have the virus,” CDC director Dr. Rochelle Warrensky said in an interview with MSNBC on Tuesday, March 30. Said.
Liam Sullivan, an infectious disease physician at Spectrum Health in Grand Rapids, said the effective results of clinical trials of the vaccine were reflected in the actual application.
“They examined cases of vaccinated health care workers, but very few,” he said. “It’s great to see a vaccine reflect the efficacy established in clinical trials, because in the real world there are many other factors involved in looking at efficacy. “
With these positive consequences in mind, Michigan health officials want to warn the general public as well. Even if you are vaccinated, you can still get sick.
A Saginaw Covenant HealthCare official told MLive that he had seen multiple hospitalizations from the first vaccinated patient. At a press conference on March 26, Jim Lee, vice president of data analysis for the Michigan Health Hospital Association, said this was consistent with reports in other states.
There were no reports of hospitalization from anyone with both COVID-19 shots, he said.
“So far, that’s great news, as no one has reported an individual admitted to a fully vaccinated facility,” he said.
Post-vaccination risk is significantly reduced, but not eliminated, officials told MLive. Emily Toss Martin, an epidemiologist at the University of Michigan, said people should not see vaccines give them “psychic powers.”
read more: Michigan has not reported COVID-19 infection after vaccination, which is why it is possible
“One thing to keep in mind about this time of year, with and without vaccination, is that estimates of vaccine efficacy have been calculated for large numbers of people,” Martin said. Mr. says. “So you could be an exception to that number and I don’t know if you are currently personally protected. On average for the entire population, we know that infections will decrease. But breakthroughs still happen. “
The vaccine is fully vaccinated 14 days after the shot is administered. According to the CDC.. According to Martin, it leaves room for a “moderate” risk of infection.
“I want people to keep this moderate risk perception in mind,” she said. “You don’t want to overdo your hands.”
If the first COVID-19 shot is said to be 80% effective, it means that 200 out of 1,000 vaccinated people can still catch the virus (or 90% effective 2). 100 for one shot). Dr. Christine Nefsey, Chief Medical Officer of Manson Healthcare in Traverse City, said the vaccine does not rule out the possibility of infection.
“No vaccine is 100% effective in preventing disease,” she said at a press conference on March 23. “Sure, there were some positive cases among vaccinated people, but most of the positive cases we see are from unvaccinated people. It’s between. “
Linda Bail, a health officer at the Ingham County Health Department, said this ongoing risk blames Michigan residents for following health guidelines such as wearing masks and social distance. According to the CDCOne study showed that complete mitigation of these precautions prior to proper vaccination did not essentially reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection.
“There are already limits, it’s like what more is needed in this particular situation,” Bale said. “What is needed is that people actually follow these guidelines and comply with existing restrictions.”
With that in mind, partially vaccinated people who are still infected will see, on average, milder hospitalizations, Vail said.
“Vaccines prevent serious illness, hospitalization, and death, but not necessarily mild illness. Moderna and Physer vaccines are known to prevent illness, but again 90 It’s only ~ 95% level. “
Some local hospitals are aware of this trend, such as Henry Ford Alliance Health in Jackson and Covenant Healthcare in Saginaw. The severity of illness in inpatients is much less than it was during last year’s surge, said Joylin Nelson, director of nursing and patient care services at Henry Ford Alesian Health.
“ICU-level patients are really tapering to us,” she said. “Patient acuity is not as high as the hospitalization we are currently seeing.”
Covenant Healthcare has seen a gradual increase in hospitalizations due to COVID-19, but still one-third of the peak levels seen in 2020, hospital spokeswoman Kristin Knoll said. Told.
“In fact, the vaccine has fewer nursing homes and older patients than in previous waves,” she said. “Vaccines are very effective in preventing serious illnesses caused by COVID-19, but we still recommend that people take reasonable precautions.”
According to the Michigan Medical Association, COVID-19 cases of residents of skilled nursing facilities in Michigan have fallen 96% since the federal vaccination program for long-term care facilities began in late December, resulting in deaths. It decreased by 99%.
Nelson warned about a recent outbreak in Jackson County. One of Michigan’s 10 counties with the highest number of new cases per million inhabitantsEven these mild hospitalizations can lead to an overwhelming health care system.
“If we continue to make progress at the pace of the past few days, we can be confident that we will reach Phase 2 (Autumn 2020),” she said. “We are very much looking forward to not reaching that peak.”
Vaccines should not be considered a shield from all forms of COVID-19, but there are two implications for getting out of the pandemic, Bale said.
“One must protect you, and then we must protect around those who cannot be vaccinated,” she said. “There is always a percentage of people who simply cannot be vaccinated. They chose to do so if possible, but they cannot. And when that happens, this herd immunity protects them.”
“We need to have both of them. Not just one. We need both.”
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