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Brazil’s Sao Paulo warns that the collapse of health care is imminent due to the surge in cases of COVID-19

Brazil’s Sao Paulo warns that the collapse of health care is imminent due to the surge in cases of COVID-19
Brazil’s Sao Paulo warns that the collapse of health care is imminent due to the surge in cases of COVID-19


São Paulo (Reuters)-Brazil’s wealthiest and most populous state, São Paulo has warned that its ability to treat patients with a serious illness, COVID-19, is on the verge of collapse. The federal government found in the Folha de Sao Paulo newspaper.

File Photo: Healthcare professionals are taking care of patients in the emergency room of Nossa Senorada Conseikao Hospital, which is overcrowded due to a coronavirus outbreak in Porto Alegre, Brazil, on March 11, 2021.Reuters / Diego Rose

The state of São Paulo said it expects the important intubation needed to calm the patient to run out in the next few days, the newspaper reported Wednesday.

“The supply of drugs, mainly for neuromuscular blockers and sedatives, is very serious,” said Jean Gorinchitain, director of health at São Paulo, in a letter.

“The collapse is imminent,” he said.

Gorinchteyn confirmed the letter at a press conference Wednesday and told reporters, “We need the federal government to help us.”

The situation in São Paulo, one of Brazil’s most sophisticated public hospital networks, is a disastrous sign of the burden on Brazil’s healthcare system.

Brazil has consistently had the worst COVID-19 deaths in the world for several weeks, accounting for about a quarter of the daily deaths from viruses around the world.

President Jair Bolsonaro has been widely criticized for dealing with pandemics, including downplaying the severity of the disease, promoting suspicious treatment, and repeatedly opposed measuring social distance.

According to experts, his response to the outbreak has increased the likelihood of mutations such as the P1 mutant, which has spread the virus and is ringing alarms around the world.

Scientists studying the virus in Brazil have discovered that the P1 mutant has already been mutated in a way that allows it to better avoid the antibody.

Brazil’s vaccination deployment is also lagging behind the deployment of vaccinations in other major powers and is plagued by dysfunction.

On Tuesday, the Senate officially launched an investigation into the federal government’s handling of pandemics.

Reported by Marcelo Rochabrun and Eduardo Simoes. Edited by Stephen Eisenhammer and Bernadette Baum


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