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Revival of Covid-19 infection to hurt India’s health care system: Fitch

Revival of Covid-19 infection to hurt India’s health care system: Fitch


Has been updated:
April 16, 2021 10:54 IS

Singapore, April 16 (ANI): India is still in a bad position To work on Rapid spread of coronavirus■ Despite some reforms and an unprecedented crisis, the need to increase investment in the healthcare sector has emerged. Fitch solution Said on friday.

“Continued Lack of medical funds The healthcare infrastructure provides our view that if the epidemic is not properly contained, the epidemic can be exacerbated. “

With 8.5 beds per 10,000 people and eight doctors per 10,000 people, the country’s healthcare sector is unable to respond to such a crisis. In addition, the significant inefficiencies, dysfunctions, and serious shortages of healthcare delivery systems in the public sector are inconsistent with the growing needs of the population.

In addition, more than 80% of the population does not yet have critical health insurance, and about 68% of the population has no or no restricted access to essential medicines, according to Fitch.

Low levels of public spending on health care are both a cause and an exacerbator of poor quality of health care, limited reach, and inadequate public delivery.

“Addressing the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed the crucial importance of the public sector in healthcare delivery,” says Fitch.

By April, 1.35 billion countries had 80.9 million vaccinations, second only to the United States and China, but per capita vaccinations are far behind.

India, the world’s largest vaccine maker, Inoculation program Includes everyone over 45 years old. But so far, only 1 in 25 people have been vaccinated, compared to 1 in 2 in the UK and 1 in 3 in the United States.

The surge in virus incidents in India has jeopardized its position as a global supplier, Fitch said. India had to curb vaccine exports to maintain domestic supply. Supply issues will have a significant impact on emerging Asian countries such as Sri Lanka and Bangladesh included in the COVAX program.

India’s economy was functioning normally by the second half of 2020. However, the virus has begun to spread rapidly in recent weeks, partly due to social distance measurements and complacency with mask wearing policies.

With daily Covid-19 cases exceeding 103,558 severe milestones, several hospitals across the country extend beyond their ability to handle the growing burden of highly infectious diseases.

The top pandemic-bearing states, such as Maharashtra, Delhi, Chennai, Punjab, and Karnataka, are already lacking in health infrastructure and equipment, from oxygen to ventilators.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi At the review meeting, death under all circumstances strengthens ventilator in addition to healthcare infrastructure, oxygen availability, required logistics, and follows clinical management protocols in all hospitals and home care He said that it should be avoided by doing so.

Concerned about the increased pandemic burden, the state is currently renewing its health infrastructure to address the increasing number of patients, Fitch said. (ANI)


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