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Research claims that cocoa can help obese people lose weight

Research claims that cocoa can help obese people lose weight


Could the chocolate diet work for you because it worked for the mouse?

Researchers at Penn State University have identified cocoa powder as a potential mysterious drug for the health of people suffering from obesity-induced liver damage, according to experiments conducted in mice on a high-fat diet.

Nutritionists are already familiar with the fact that cocoa, the main ingredient in chocolate desserts and hot cocoa, contains relatively high levels of fiber, iron and antioxidants. health.

However, the purpose of this study was not just to promote weight loss. Researchers wanted to identify ways in which obese people can improve their overall health, especially with regard to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which affects more than 3 million Americans annually.

“Although it is usually considered a luxury food due to its high sugar and fat content, epidemiological and human intervention studies have shown that chocolate intake includes stroke, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, etc. It has been suggested that it is associated with a reduced risk of cardiac metabolic disease, “said Joshua Lambert, Principal Research Author and Professor of Food Science at Penns Agricultural Science University. In a press release It led to research.

“Therefore, it makes sense to investigate whether cocoa intake affected non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is generally associated with obesity in humans,” Lambert said. In addition, past mouse studies on obesity have been shown to indicate human metabolic processes.

Studies published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry found that supplementing the diet with cocoa powder caused mice to gain 21% less weight than mice that did not receive cocoa. They also showed low weight of the spleen — a marker of reduced inflammation.

After 8 weeks of supplementation, these mice had 28% less liver fat, 56% lower levels of oxidative stress, and 75% lower levels of liver DNA damage compared to control mice. These are all inflammation, cancer, and other health concerns.

Of particular note is the accessibility of the method: “by administering physiologically achievable doses”[s]Cacao — the amount that humans can consume viablely.

“The calculation gives people 10 tablespoons of cocoa powder a day,” Lambert said. “Or, if you follow the instructions on the Hershey cocoa powder box, you’ll get about 5 cups of hot cocoa per day.”

Based on the results, Lambert suggests using low-sugar or unsweetened cocoa instead of high-calorie snack foods.

“This exchange is potentially beneficial, especially in combination with a healthy overall diet and increased physical activity,” says cocoa chemicals, which may block enzymes that help digest dietary fats and carbohydrates. Lambert, who believes there is, said.

“If you get paid for going to the gym, exercising, going home and drinking a glass of cocoa, it might help you get off the couch and move around,” he said.

Not only that, according to unrelated research Published in November It has also been shown that hot chocolate may enhance brain function, thanks to the advanced flavanols of cocoa, which are known to improve cardiovascular and cognitive function in adults.


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