“Confused” sleep can have a serious impact on your health
Health Day Reporter
Thursday, April 22, 2021 (HealthDay News)-Waking up for a short time overnight doesn’t just make you sick and sick. I’m exhausted In the morning.
Confused sleep May actually increase your chances of dying early Heart disease Or other causes, and women seem less susceptible to these than men.
“The data highlights whether people feel refreshed and how much people need to be screened, and many more reasons. sleep They get it every night. ” Dr. Andrea Matsumura, a spokeswoman for the American Society of Sleep Medicine, reviewed the findings.
Night awakening is noise, temperature, pain Or pause Breathing as a result Sleep apnea.. They are short and you often don’t notice them happening unless you or your bed partner are strong enough to notice. However, frequent awakenings can be harmful to your health.
In a new study, researchers analyzed data from sleep monitors worn by participants in three studies. In total, 8,000 men and women were followed for an average of 6 to 11 years.
Women who experience more nighttime sleep disorders over a longer period of time are almost twice as likely to die of heart disease as women who sleep better, and die prematurely from all other causes. Studies have shown that it is likely.
Researchers have found that men with more frequent nighttime sleep disorders are about 25% more likely to die prematurely from heart disease than men who get a better night’s sleep.
Dominik Linz, an associate professor of cardiology at the Maastricht University Medical Center in the Netherlands, said research author Dominik Linz may have different triggers for sleep arousal or the body’s response to it in men and women.
“Women and men may have different compensatory mechanisms to deal with the harmful effects of arousal,” Linz said.
The exact way sleep disorders lead to an increased risk of premature death is not fully understood, and new studies are not designed to show causes and consequences.
However, the authors of the editorials that accompany the findings have several theories.
“Many people who wake up frequently and lack sleep are at other risks of heart disease. obesity, High blood pressure, Diabetes And Lung disease“. Dr. Valentin Hustel, an editorial writer and director of Mount Sinai Hart in New York City, said.
anxiety And stress It can also deprive you of sleep and is known to have adverse health effects.
“Sympathetic activation during short or interrupted sleep Nervous system Inflammation can play a more direct role. ”
When activated, the sympathetic nervous system causes the release of stress hormones, which can increase Heart rate And blood pressure, This can increase the risk of heart disease over time.
Linz said the best way to improve sleep and reduce nighttime turmoil is to remove the trigger for awakening.
Consider a sound machine to eliminate noise and make sure the bedroom temperature is comfortable. If you are overweight or have the potential for sleep apnea, treating them can prevent episodes of “unconscious awakening.”
Fuster has provided several other strategies that can be added to your life for years. yoga, And make sure that the risk of heart disease is controlled.
The new study had some limitations. The use of drugs that may affect sleep is not considered. Monitoring was done only overnight, but sleep monitoring measurements tend to fluctuate from night to night. In addition, most participants were Caucasian or older, so the findings may not be applicable in different populations.
Research and editorial on April 20 European Heart Journal..
Matsumura, a sleep medicine doctor at the Oregon Clinic in Portland, said the new discoveries should be a wake-up call.
“When people wake up feeling sick and not refreshed, many are unaware that they need to be evaluated by sleep professionals,” she said.
It is also important to take steps to improve sleep quality, Matsumura added.
“Consider developing a nighttime routine that evokes calm and relaxation, such as reading, journaling, and meditation,” she suggested. “By keeping the bedroom quiet, dark and a little cool, we limit noise and distractions. The bed is used only for sleep, not watching or reading TV.”
Restricting alcohol, caffeine, and large meals before bed can also help you get a better night’s sleep, Matsumura said.
For more information
Learn more about healthy sleep habits American Academy of Sleep Medicine..
Source: Dr. Dominik Linz, Associate Professor, Cardiology, Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, Director, Mount Sinai Heart, and doctor-in-chief, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York City; Andrea Matsumura, MS, MD, Sleep Medicine Doctor, Oregon Clinic, Portland; European Heart Journal, April 20, 2021
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