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Japan’s State of Emergency, High Mortality in Brazil and India: COVID-19 Global Weekly Highlights

Japan’s State of Emergency, High Mortality in Brazil and India: COVID-19 Global Weekly Highlights


These are the stories of the global coronavirus that you need to know this week.

More COVID-19 cases Report all over the world Last week was more than any other seven days during the pandemic, according to data released by the World Health Organization on Tuesday.

Also on Tuesday, the European Medicines Agency’s Safety Commission said Warning about abnormal blood clots At low platelet Must be added to the Janssen / Johnson & Johnson / vaccine label.However, the EMA said the benefits of a single-dose vaccine outweigh its risks and European countries. Ready to resume Vaccine delivery.

To Germany, The government is planning a national “emergency brake”. Severe measures will be taken whenever the number of newly reported COVID-19 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the district exceeds 100 within 7 days for 3 consecutive days. Measures are planned until the end of June, Includes a controversial curfew. in the meantime, Scientists have come up with a new benchmark for assessing the severity of a pandemic. They said the number of new hospitalizations in the intensive care unit would be a better measure than weekly infections.

on Tuesday, Portugal Less than 25 people were hospitalized with COVID-19 and one patient was in the intensive care unit.DGS, the national health authority, was updated on Monday Criteria for diagnosing children..The following symptoms headache, Vomiting and diarrhea should be considered. Portugal has given about 2 million initial vaccinations.

Brazil Currently, it has the highest mortality rate per 100,000 population, surpassing the United States. The current number is 175.6 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. In the largest country in Latin America, the number of pandemics continues to grow. Last week, the average domestic moving average death toll was 2,860 per day. The indicator has maintained more than 2000 deaths per day for the past 24 days. Hospitalization and ICU bed use by young patients is increasing. There is still a shortage of medicine for intubation. As of April 19, there have been 13,977,713 diagnosed cases and 375,049 COVID-19 deaths since the onset of the pandemic.

Vaccination remained late and only one-third of the priority group was immunized with the first or second dose. In total, 12.59% received the first dose of the vaccine and 4.78% received the second dose. Nine of the ten doses given are the Chinese CoronaVac vaccine. The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) has approved the emergency use of the cocktail Regn-CoV2 (casilibimab and imdebimab) to treat mild or moderate COVID-19.

Last Tuesday Spain The number of people who received the vaccine at least once exceeded the number of people who were infected. Currently, 98.8% of people over the age of 80 have already been vaccinated at least once, and 62.1% have been vaccinated with both. Health Minister Carolina Darias expects the number of new cases to decline this week. However, incident The 14th day is still high, with more than 200 cases per 100,000 population.

The Public Health Commission has not approved measures to widen the gap between RNA vaccine doses in order to reach more people faster. Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine will continue to be given within 21 days and Moderna within 28 days.later EMA statement With the Janssen (J & J) vaccine, Spain has begun 146,000 doses for people aged 70-79.Spain Also study the effects of mixing different coronavirus vaccines In response to safety concerns about the AstraZeneca vaccine.

At the hospital Belgium, The number of new patients hospitalized as a result of coronavirus, sent to the intensive care unit, or ventilated has decreased.According to the latest official figures released by the Institute of Public Health on Wednesday. If this trend continues, we need to move forward with the relaxation of the restrictions scheduled for May 8, including the lifting of the curfew. As of April 19, a total of 2,341,297 people in Belgium have been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine at least once, which is equivalent to 25% of the population over the age of 18.

Mexican Ministry of Public Health Issued an alert About the increase in the number of cases reported in at least 10 states of the Republic, probably due to the Easter holidays.Mexican President vaccinated AstraZeneca this week..

To Argentina, The number of cases is increasing after the detection of new variants.Federal government announced New restrictions It will continue until the end of the month in the capital and surrounding areas, including curfew and school closures.Argentina has begun Production of Russian Sputnik V vaccine..

in spite of Chile The country has recorded one of the highest immunization rates in the world New record Number of cases per day due to relaxation of blockade measures.

in the meantime, Guatemala And Columbia Announced new measures to reduce the number of infections.

Half of adults — 130 million — America Have received at least one COVID-19 vaccination. According to the latest tally From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Approximately 84 million adults, or 32.5% of the adult population, are considered fully vaccinated. In addition, 81% of adults over the age of 65 have been vaccinated at least once, and 66% are considered fully vaccinated.

Federal health authorities Decide by Friday Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said whether to end the suspension of use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.pause Does not have a substantial impact on self-confidence COVID-19 vaccination reveals a new poll. In fact, 76% of the 1,000 registered voters surveyed nationwide said the suspension did not reduce their chances of being vaccinated.

The· We We started vaccination program All adults After first limiting it to the most vulnerable this week. So far, Half of all Americans over the age of 18 I am vaccinated.Despite the good news, experts are worried that people may slow down the pace of vaccination Lose confidence For shot safety. The single-dose adenovirus vector vaccine manufactured by Johnson & Johnson (Janssen), one of the three vaccines approved in the United States, has been temporarily suspended. It is associated with at least 8 cases of abnormal blood clots that occur in thrombocytopenia.Complications appear to be very rare and may be related to Similar case Reported in Europe with the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is also an adenovirus vector vaccine.Scientists are competing to determine if this is possible Class effect With these types of vaccines.

Despite the fast pace of vaccination, daily cases are steadily and slowly increasing here. Deaths from COVID-19 have also increased slightly. Public health leaders have asked people to combat pandemic fatigue and continue their personal safety strategies, such as wearing masks and increasing social distance, for several more months to prevent the epidemic from becoming a fourth. I’m urging you.

The· England Pass 10 million milestones For the second COVID-19 vaccine dose provided as a vaccination advisor, she said pregnant women should be vaccinated at the same time as other populations. Regulatory MHRA said 168 major blood clots developed after administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine. This is 7.9 blood clots per million doses. However, he states that the benefits of vaccines still outweigh the risks of most people. The NHS provider group estimated that it could take 3-5 years to clear the untreated portion of non-COVID cases that had accumulated during the pandemic. India was added to the “Red List” of travel destinations as the number of cases increased and the B.1.617 variant under investigation, which was first identified in India, was detected in the United Kingdom.

To France, The epidemic remains on the “high” plateau. As of April 20, 2021, approximately 17,850,000 injections of anti-COVID vaccine have been given and vaccination is open to new groups. As announced by the Ministry of Labor yesterday, teachers, childminders and law enforcement professionals are about 400,000 workers over the age of 55 and about 20 occupations (bus drivers, truck drivers, cashiers, funerals). Ya) benefits from vaccination appointments. Faced with the threat of viral variants in Brazil and South Africa, the French government has decided to carry out a compulsory 10-day quarantine on travelers from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Guyana and South Africa. Other countries, such as India, where the situation is deteriorating, may also be added to this list.

April 16 Australia Report the third case, First death from blood clot A 48-year-old woman who received the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine is involved. The Therapeutic Goods Department said there may be a link between female death and vaccines and is “carefully reviewing” other such cases in the country. The Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine is the preferred choice for people under the age of 50.

India report Over 295,000 COVID-19 cases occurred on Wednesday, and for the first time since the start of the pandemic, daily deaths exceeded 2,000.At least 24 COVID-19 patients in western India Oxygen supply It was exhausted to their Delhi Although severely hit by the second wave, it carried out a week-long blockade in the city.On Monday, the government announced “Liberalized and Accelerated” Phase 3 COVID-19 Vaccination strategy, All individuals over the age of 18 are eligible to be vaccinated from May 1st.

Israel Dropped an outdoor mask man date After a successful mass vaccination campaign against COVID-19 on Sunday, the country is slowly regaining normality. Approximately 81% of Israeli citizens / residents over the age of 16 have been vaccinated with both doses of COVID-19 vaccine so far.

Japan Are considering emergency In Tokyo, Osaka and Hyogo prefectures, while COVID-19 infection is increasing rapidly. Experts believe that highly contagious SARS-CoV-2 mutants account for 80% of infectious diseases in Osaka and Hyogo prefectures, and the number of cases is increasing rapidly in Tokyo as well.

Turkey Reported Record 63,082 new COVID-19 daily cases on April 16th. The country took special steps during the first two weeks of Ramadan’s holy month to curb the proliferation of infections.

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