COVID-19: MLHU, the library is a partner for contacting people who have not yet booked vaccines-London
![COVID-19: MLHU, the library is a partner for contacting people who have not yet booked vaccines-London COVID-19: MLHU, the library is a partner for contacting people who have not yet booked vaccines-London](
The Middlesex-London Health Unit is working with the Middlesex County Library and the London Public Library to reach targeted adults. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) People who have been vaccinated but have not yet received an injection.
Staff at the local library branch told library cardholders over the age of 70 to “get the information needed to book a COVID-19 vaccination and see where to get more information if you have any questions.” “make a telephone call.
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The health unit estimates that over 80% of people over the age of 75 and over 65% of people between the ages of 70 and 74 received the first vaccination.
“There has been a strong demand for the COVID-19 vaccine since we launched the public vaccination campaign, but we know that booking reservations has been a challenge for some people,” he said. Dr. Chris McKee, MLHU’s Head of Health, says.
According to McKee, library staff will call the cardholders to confirm their vaccination qualifications and provide assistance if needed.
“(Staff) are not connected to the telephone booking system. They use the online system to provide any support that an individual may need,” McKee said on Monday afternoon.
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The London Health Unit states that the partnership will reach more than 9,200 residents over the age of 70.
When these calls are made, the library will contact people between the ages of 60 and 69, or approximately 13,000 cardholders within the London Public Library System.
“This is a very specific method, and the relationship between skills and the community can be used to help those who experience booking barriers or need help finding more information. We want the community to know that we can navigate this together, “said Michael Ciccone, CEO of LPL.
The Middlesex County Library contacts more than 2,000 cardholders over the age of 65.
“As a trusted community connector, it’s not surprising that Middlesex County Library staff will participate in this initiative,” says Lindsay Brock, director of Middlesex County Library Services.
“There are many barriers to access for residents, including issues related to Internet services, and we want to do everything we can to fill these gaps.”
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McKee says the health unit has not received direct complaints about people struggling to transport to mass vaccination clinics, but Middlesex County observer Kathy Berghart Jason raises the issue and raises the issue. The health unit has taken some steps to make the county residents accessible to the vaccine.
“First of all, we have worked with observers and the mayor to successfully advocate for increased vaccine access in pharmacies,” says McKee.
“Of course, another strategy is the Mount-Bridges Mass Vaccination Clinic. We keep that clinic open and strive to make the most of it even if we are short of supplies. . “
The Health Unit has an existing primary care site that can provide Strathroy with COVID-19 vaccination, and McKee wants to extend access to primary care facilities throughout the county.
“Another aspect we are involved in is the mobile clinic. That’s how we vaccinated residents of elderly housing with care. The mobile campaign is ongoing and within the county we visit. Every municipality has a site, “he said.
“These are apartments or apartments that may not be retirement or long-term care facilities, but may be rest areas for the disabled, or even apartments built for the elderly. . “
In addition, starting this week, McKee states that MLHU is working with home healthcare staff to provide vaccines to patients at home.
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