“A man who fails in modern medicine” recovers from a painful condition with a simple dietary change
Autoimmune diseases result from a dysfunction of the immune system that accidentally attacks the body.
Some affect specific organs, such as type 1 diabetes, which affects the pancreas, while others affect the whole body, such as lupus.
Symptoms vary depending on the condition, but include fatigue, a rash, and joint pain.
Scientists have several theories, but the exact cause remains a mystery.
Like our environment, genetics plays a role. Low vitamin D levels have been shown to be risk factors for multiple sclerosis.
Certain infections, such as glandular fever, can also provoke an immune response, but lifestyle associations include obesity, long-term stress, a Western diet, and lack of sleep.
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“There are two theories as to why women are more likely to be affected,” said Paul Howard, CEO of Lupus UK (
“First, women have two X chromosomes, so if they are linked to the X chromosome, they are more likely to inherit the defective gene.”
“Second, hormonal activity plays an important role.
“In lupus, many women experience the first signs of illness during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Relapse of the illness may also be associated with the menstrual cycle.”
Treatment depends on the autoimmune disease, Paul explains.
For example, insulin is the main treatment for type 1 diabetes, but people with celiac disease need to eliminate gluten from their diet.
“For lupus, the first line of treatment is an antimalarial drug (hydroxychloroquine).”
Other common treatments include immunosuppressants and steroids.
How to help yourself
With a stubborn determination, physiotherapist Louise Blanchefield created a diet that helped her husband Richard improve his health.
He developed ulcerative colitis, a painful enteropathy, and was forced to use a cane for arthritis..
“Modern medicine lacked answers, except that it’would get worse with pills,'” she says.
“We eat foods that contain the nutrients that the intestines need to repair themselves, and foods that are inherently anti-inflammatory, and remove foods that may be causing damage. I’ve started, “she explains.
Initially skeptical, Richard noticed an improvement within a few weeks and gradually improved the following year.
He is now completely painless without medication.
“Richard continued his diet for nine months before relieving some of his rigorous measures. Now he can eat gluten and dairy in rotation and miss plans for up to three weeks on holidays. You can even do that, “says Louise.
Inspired by this success, Louise qualified as a nutrition therapist and is now The Food Physio (
She is currently providing advice and guidance to Richard. In addition, they created over 100 recipes in their book, Eating My Way Back to Health.
Keep your intestines healthy
Many experts believe that the onset of autoimmune disease begins here, as more than 70% of our immune system is in the intestine.
The gut flora (trillions of organisms, mainly bacteria) has a serious impact on the immune system and can be damaged by antibiotics, infections, stress, diet and lifestyle.
Experts recommend incorporating fermented foods such as sauerkraut into your diet for high-quality probiotics.
Look at your entire meal
There is increasing evidence that diet can play a role in managing the symptoms associated with autoimmune diseases, Paul says.
“Some studies have shown that eating plant-based whole food diets, avoiding pro-inflammatory foods, and increasing intake of anti-inflammatory foods can potentially benefit some people. Suggests, “he explains.
Louise, who encourages you to discuss major dietary changes with your doctor, says everyone is different. For example, by following a gluten- and dairy-free diet, Richard was able to eliminate the food intolerance that inflamed and damaged the intestines.
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She says she aims for 8-10 servings of colorful fruits and vegetables per day to increase the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals needed for optimal physical functioning. Include sweet potatoes, beetroot, turnips, and carrots as they nourish beneficial bacteria.
Raw garlic helps balance the intestinal bacteria. Chicken bone soup contains collagen, which helps heal the intestines, while cabbage contains glutamine, which the cells of the intestines need as fuel.
She advises avoiding inflammatory foods such as white potatoes and white rice, processed foods, pork products, vegetable oils, alcohol and effervescent beverages, cakes, biscuits and crisps, including anti-inflammatory spices such as ginger and turmeric. I will.
Deal with stress
This is an important trigger because it affects our immune system, Paul says.
“People report that lupus develops after a traumatic event and becomes more active during stressful times.”
Try to minimize work stress, Louise advises.
“Leave your desk for a walk at lunch, change the scenery, quit your job, or reduce your stress level before eating.”
Do you feel stressed? Listen to music or practice a 10-minute deep breath to calm yourself down.
“Take your time every day. Take a bath, read a book, meditate, and enjoy your hobbies,” she adds.
Prioritize sleep
Louise says it’s important to have 7-8 hours per night. “Without good, deep sleep, the body has less time to do the work it needs, and our system simply doesn’t work effectively.”
Sleep and wake up at the same time every day. Paul suggests going back to basics in sleep hygiene – no gadgets, relax before going to bed, and avoid naps if possible.
And I have an Epsom salt bath.
“Magnesium is a mild mineral that stops overactive brains, but it also relaxes muscles and helps you stay calm and fall asleep,” says Louise.
Get Vitamin D
This plays an important role in the immune system, Paul says. “Many people with lupus are deficient.
“Unfortunately, the vast majority of patients are also sensitive to sunlight, so they need dietary supplements rather than taking them because they are exposed to the sun.”
If you are not sensitive to the sun, walking outside in the sun for 10-15 minutes will increase your vitamin D levels, Louise suggests.
Then, take the supplement from October to the end of March.
Keep moving
Exercise increases energy, produces endorphins that act as natural painkillers, and helps reduce inflammation throughout the body.
It also helps fight depression and anxiety, which are often associated with autoimmune diseases.
“People with autoimmune diseases can be less active because they can get sick,” says Paul. “This can lead to muscle loss and loss of energy, causing a negative cycle and exacerbating it. Activity helps break this cycle.”
He encourages people to listen to their bodies at their own pace. “It’s tempting to try a lot on a good day, but it can be counterproductive.”
Find the one that suits you, go into the routine and stick to it. Always include body resistance such as squats to maintain muscle mass.
“One day is harder than the other. Adjust your workout accordingly and remember that less influential activities are easier on your joints, back and knees,” says Louise.
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“People who learn about their condition feel that they are in control and empowered,” Paul says.
“They are confident in attending medical appointments, are more likely to ask questions, and have a good relationship with their doctor.”
Find support through relevant charities and patient forums.
Continue hydration
“Our body is 60% hydrated, so it’s not surprising that we need to rehydrate frequently to get the best function,” says Louise.
Make water the drink of your choice.
- Eating My Way Back to Health (Purple Star Publishing, £ 12.99) Released
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